74. Planning Ahead

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After dinner Victoria, Jos and the kids went back to their hotel and Max and Olivia went back to theirs. Once they were back in their room Olivia wanted to talk to Max, she felt slightly guilty for how everything ended. Even though Jos started the argument she caught the bait when Max had asked repeatedly not to.

Max was getting undressed when she came into the bedroom "Max I'm sorry about tonight, I know that's not how you wanted it to go. I shouldn't have lost my temper with your father".

Max looked at her and shook his head "Olivia I don't blame you. I mean, yeah it obviously sucks because the night had been going so great, but I know my father started it. He can't go around talking about Checo like that, of course you would defend him" he shrugged. "It's part of what I love about you, you would do anything for the people you love" he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and Olivia walked over to him. "And his insinuation that what happened to you was a bother because I lost Monaco is demented. I'm gonna talk to him again tomorrow, it's out of line" he said as he grabbed and held her hands.

"Wait, so you're not mad?" asked Olivia confused.

"Why would I be mad at you? I would have reacted the same way. If anything I'm mad at my dad" he said.

Olivia felt lighter "Sorry the night was ruined anyways" she added.

"It wasn't" said Max "My sister adored you, she actually said that to me twice, and that was really important to me".

"Really? Even after my little fight with Jos?" asked Olivia incredulous.

"I think the fight cemented her love for you" laughed Max "Anyone who dares talk like that to our father wins her respect immediately".

Olivia let out a deep sigh "Oh god then I'm so relieved" said Olivia "I really loved your sister too, she's fantastic, you were completely right about that" she said with a smile.

He smiled brightly at her "I knew you two would get along".


The next morning Max was going out for an early training session ahead of FP1 and 2, so Olivia went to the downstairs restaurant by herself. She found Checo downstairs and had breakfast with him, they were later joined by Lewis, Charles, Carlos and Lando. Olivia had really missed this type of breakfasts with them this last few weeks.

After they left they still remained on the hall outside the hotel restaurant talking. It was Lewis, Charles, Carlos and Liv. Olivia was telling them about her plans for the Mexican Grand Prix.

"I think we should definitely go out right? I don't think you guys could properly get to know Mexico without a Mexican tourist guide" she said.

"What about Checo?" asked Charles.

"Checo is a married dad, he doesn't count, he goes to sleep at 9" Olivia brushed it off. "After the Grand Prix there's a week off before Brazil, we should do a trip" said Olivia.

"I'm in, let's go to a beach or something" said Carlos brightly.

"I swear Carlos if you say let's go to Cancun.." said Charles rolling his eyes.

"Hey what's wrong with Cancun? It's a lot of fun" he said indignantly.

"It's for tourists" explained Charles.

"And we are obviously locals, right mate?" laughed Lewis.

"I mean, no, but Liv is, so she's going to take us somewhere cooler. A hidden gem or something" said Charles.

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