27. The Australian GP

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After Olivia's conversation with Max and Ashley in the motor home was done she quickly went to get her camera and she started taking pictures of anything and anyone. She needed to distract herself. Once the interviews and media started for the day she didn't really get a chance to speak to Max, and she had a sense that Ashley was hovering around her. She just hoped she wasn't about to invite her to another dinner or another hangout.

Fleeing form Ashley was also the reason why as soon as her job was done she picked up her things and left, leaving even Checo behind. Once she got to the hotel she couldn't stop thinking. If Max really felt about Olivia the way he said he did, why did he bring her now? Maybe he had made up his mind and he decided to stay with Ashley. Maybe there was more underneath Ashley and she wasn't as bad as she seemed? Because Olivia could not figure out how Max could actually like her.

After pacing around her room and staring at her ceiling for a couple of hours she decided she had to clear her head. She changed into running shoes and gym clothes and decided to go for a run. She rarely did this anymore since moving to Monaco but in New York she used to run all the time.

She blasted her favorite music in her ears as she ran until she was so tired  she had to walk certain parts of her way back. She must have been running for nearly two hours, the sky was now dark. It did work though, as she ran she focused on her breathing, the rhythm of her steps, the impact of her feet with the ground. It helped her forget about Max and Ashley even if it was for a couple of hours.  As she came back through the lobby she ran into many of the drivers.

"Hey Liv! Where you just running?" asked Carlos.

"Yeah, I just felt a little locked up in that room" explained Liv as a couple of the drivers gathered to hear.

"You should come with us then, we are gonna go grab dinner" said Lewis casually.

"Yes come with us Liv, we are leaving in like 15 minutes" said Charles.

"But the cars aren't even here, we can wait for you, don't worry" added Lewis.

Liv didn't even have to think about it "Yeah sure, I'll go shower quickly and I'll be right down" she said with a smile. She was glad they had invited her, if not she probably would've gone back to overthinking in her room.

17 minutes later Olivia was already at the lobby, her damp hair was up in a braid, she wore a simple and backless yellow top and jeans. Pierre, Lance, Danny and George had been there when Olivia first saw them at the lobby after her run, but they had already left. Waiting for her at the couch were Checo, Lewis, Charles and Carlos.

"Finally!" joked Checo.

"Don't listen to him, the other ones just left" said Charles

"Let's go, I'm hungry" said Carlos putting his arms around Liv's and Charles' shoulders.

They arrived to a sushi restaurant and to Olivia's dismay, Max and Ashley were also there. The smile on Olivia's face fell the moment she saw them. The last thing she needed was three hours of Ashley.

"Liv! I'm so glad you came!" called out Ashley from her seat at the far right side of the table. Her tone was different this time, it wasn't as desperate as before and her smile wasn't as forced.

Charles saw Liv's face in that moment and immediately put his arm around her in a playful manner, guiding her to the opposite side of the table so she could be away from Max and Ashley. Liv knew exactly what he was doing, she looked up at him and showed him a grateful smile.

Liv sat next to Charles and Lewis. She hadn't properly spoken to Lewis before but she knew Checo and him got along well so she figured she would get along with him too. During dinner he talked to her about his dog and showed her videos of Roscoe trying to skateboard. Olivia loved dogs so this was like the best type of therapy for her, just laughing and looking at cute Roscoe at the beach.

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