25. Clarity

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Once Olivia got back to Monaco she rested for a couple of days. After her hangover had passed the feeling of sadness and exhaustion hadn't. She hadn't spoken to Max since she had left his hotel room in Saudi and the fact that he hadn't texted her did hurt. The last night in Saudi they had both said so much and yet here they were, not talking to each other. 

After a couple of days of staying in her apartment, since she really didn't feel like going out at all, she wanted to see Ava. She had been texting her since Monday wanting to meet but Liv had no spirits to see anybody. Ava came over to Liv's apartment and when they were catching up Liv told her everything that had happened that night in the elevator.

"I just don't get him" said Ava. "Liv, he basically tells you he is crazy about you and then he tells you to go fly with Charles and then he doesn't even text you?" said Ava with her brow furrowed. "I gotta tell you I'm not liking this Max guy a lot. You deserve someone better, like Charles!" said Ava nodding.

"About that..." started Olivia "I met up with him yesterday, I basically told him we shouldn't keep dating anymore".



"I get it Liv. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming" shrugged Charles with a tight lipped smile "It's okay really, I hope we can still be friends though".

Liv felt this huge weight off her chest "that would mean the world to me Charles" she said looking up at him, she looked sad but still tried to force a small smile on her face. 

"Liv can I ask you something? Does this have anything to do with Max?" asked Charles.

It clearly did, how could she keep dating Charles when she felt so strongly about someone else? She let out a slow sigh, and even though she didn't confirm it, Charles understood her without words. She actually looked so sad, he couldn't see her usual spark. 

"Liv what's going on? You know you can tell me right? It's okay." said Charles in a comforting manner, touching her arm.

"I just.. I know there's no point. I wish I could just stop feeling this way" she said, she started getting frustrated with herself and her eyes turned watery. Charles felt so bad for her, he knew Max was with Ashley, he had seen her going to his apartment the day before. It didn't seem fair that Liv was out here hurting like this. He gave her a tight hug and a couple of tears escaped her eyes.


Ava was shocked when she heard what had happened between Liv and Charles the day before.

"I guess that was the right thing to do" said Ava nodding somberly, she was really rooting for Charliv. 

"It was"  said Liv forcing a smile. 

"You don't fool me Liv, you look miserable" said Ava unconvinced "we need to cheer you up".

After a while they were watching TV, Ava turned to Liv and asked "Does this mean I need to unfollow @CharlesandLivUpdates?"

Olivia finally laughed again. 

Ava and Olivia spent the next two days together, Ava didn't want to leave Liv alone and Liv did start to feel better. She always had so much fun with Ava, even if they were just hanging out in her apartment. This was exactly what she needed. 

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