28. Rewind

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When Max first saw Olivia back in the motor home after not seeing her for nearly two weeks his heart started beating faster. She looked even more beautiful than he remembered, he didn't know that was possible. For a moment he forgot where he was and most importantly who was with him. The moment Ashley came in yelling out Olivia's name he felt like a punch in the stomach. It felt so wrong to hear her call out Olivia, his Olivia.

When Olivia said she wasn't dating Charles anymore he felt something again. It was like a mixture between excitement, doom and guilt all at the same time. Had she ended things with Charles for him? And in return what was Max doing? Parading around with Ashley under his arm. But if Olivia did end things with Charles for Max, did that mean she was open to having a relationship? Knowing well that Max had a kid on the way.

He didn't blame Olivia for leaving every time he and Ashley would arrive. She must be pissed that Max hadn't talked to her after Saudi, and even worst now that Ashley was here. But he could still see the sparkle on her face when she looked at him, so not everything was lost.

After Ashley nearly found out Olivia was the girl Max had fallen for, he knew what he had to do. He couldn't let Ashley find out and hurt Olivia, he was sure she would. So instead he was going to have to hurt Olivia, to protect her from Ashley; and it crushed him to do it. He thought about being colder to her in front of Ashley, or being plain rude. When Olivia came into his room during free practice, he saw the light and the smile on her face; she was happy to see him, to talk to him. Then he saw Ashley's shadow on the wall behind Olivia. Ashley had seen Olivia walk up to the driver's room and decided to spy their conversation.

His reaction was immediate, it was like a reflex. He yelled at Olivia asking her to give him some privacy and after seeing the shock and hurt on her face he hated himself. He couldn't look at her anymore, so he yelled at her to leave. She couldn't even speak, which was very unlike her. He knew he had really hurt her and threw his gloves and cursed out loud in frustration "SHIT!". He took one last look at her and managed to see the tears in her eyes for a moment. As Olivia turned to walk away he saw Ashley's shadow disappear from the back wall. It was done, and he had hurt Olivia in order to protect her; but it definitely didn't feel like he was saving her at that moment. He knew the damage was done. Was this pain better than what Ashley could cause? Maybe. He didn't know how far Ashley would go but he feared Olivia would be more than just emotionally damaged, he feared she would actually hurt her.

The night when all the drivers went to dinner and Olivia got there Max felt a fluttering in his stomach. Then Charles hugged her, Lewis talked to her all night, she wouldn't even look in Max's direction. He couldn't blame her for it, he probably hated himself more than she hated him in that moment. But it was still painful to watch her laugh with Lewis. Then the next day at breakfast there he was again. Since when where they friends? Max could've sworn they hadn't even met before, and suddenly they were close buddies?

Then the elevator happened, and Ashley had seen the same thing he did: a spark between Olivia and Lewis. He refused to believe it, it must all be in his head. Since he cannot be with her, he's jealous of any man who even talks to her, touches her, makes her laugh.

When she turned to walk away from the elevator he got a whiff of her perfume. Gardenias. He remembered, he remembered everything.


On Monday Liv was sitting on the lobby's couch with Charles, Checo, Carlos and Lando. They were waiting for their car to travel back to Monaco and Spain. Lewis walked to them.

"Ready to leave guys? Where are you headed?"

"I'm spending the week in Mallorca with my family" said Carlos smiling.

"Same, but in Madrid" said Checo.

"I will probably be pacing around my apartment in Monaco for a week" nodded Liv.

Lewis made a face. "Oh hell no. You cannot spend a week locked in an apartment Liv".

"I guess I don't have any plans" she shrugged.

"How about Bali?" asked Lewis.

She laughed "oh yeah, let me just buy a plane ticket to Bali" said Liv sarcastically.

Lewis laughed "No need, I'm heading there right now, just hop on the plane. Anybody else wants to go?" he said looking around the couch "we can surf, take in the sun, rest and get ready for Imola"

"Wait are you serious?" she asked.

"I think you should go Liv" said Checo, he could see his sister was having a hard time and he felt partially responsible. He had been the one who told Max to stay away from Olivia, and now they didn't even talk to each other and Liv looked miserable. It was his fault, or at least that's what he thought. He obviously didn't know about Ashley's threat. "I would go if I could, but Carola is pregnant so I should get back to my wife".

Liv paused for a moment "Okay I'm in" she said, and her face lit up immediately.

Charles and Lando looked at each other "Yeah I'm in too, let's go to Bali" chuckled Charles.

"Sign me up, I'm in too" said Lando with a laugh.

"I don't think I brought any bathing suits" said Liv thinking out loud.

"Neither did I. You know what that means?! Skinny dipping!!!!" joked Lando and laughed.

Liv laughed "Lando nobody wants to see that" she said straight at him, the rest of the drivers laughed with them.

"We'll figure out something when we get there. God I love these type of trips, the more spontaneous the better" said Lewis with a big smile.

Once the cars got there Liv said goodbye to Checo and went inside the van with Lewis, Charles and Lando. They talked about what they were going to do in Bali all the way to the airport and they took flight.


I still feel like Lewis should be just a friend, maybe even a best friend. What do you think???

Also, did you like reading most of the chapter from Max's point of view? i thought about doing a whole fic from only Olivia's POV and then the same story from Max's POV but for now I am mixing both points of view on just one story.

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