90. We are the Champions

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After another podium ceremony the team went straight into celebratory mode. They all drove directly to the celebration but Carola and Olivia waited for Checo and Max while they showered. They both came out in full Red Bull gear. Checo and Carola went along to the celebration taking place at a private venue Red Bull had anticipated, while Max still stayed for a few interviews and Olivia sat at the back waiting for him. 

Lewis and Charles were also there during the post-race interviews of the podium finishers "Nice work Lew, I really thought you had us" said Olivia shaking her head. 

"You know for a moment I thought so too" he said as he tried to force a smile but Olivia could see a hint of pain in his eyes. It must be difficult going from fighting for the championship to not winning a single race in a season. 

"Mercedes has really got to fix that tractor of yours, it really sucks you are driving that" she said with a pained look on her face. Of course she wanted Max to win... but she also wanted Checo to win, and seeing Lewis win his 8th championship would also be pretty spectacular. 

"Oh believe me I'm ready to throw this car into the ocean from a plane as soon as the season is over" he said.

After that he was called up to the stage to sit with the rest of the podium finishers and Liv sat there to watch the interview. Thankfully it wasn't very long, it must have lasted about 20 minutes before Max started making sings with his hands telling them to cut it out and he stood up before they had a chance to stop him and ask another question. 

"Let's go drink!" he said brightly as he reached Olivia.

So they left immediately for the party, when they arrived it was already pretty out of control. The only people who were actually measuring themselves were Carola and Checo. Before arriving to the party they dropped off the kids with the O'wards at the hotel so they could come to the party with no kids, but they still had to come back to them in a few hours. Carola was not drinking while Checo was having just a few drinks. 

As for Max and Olivia, their drinking started almost immediately, it all resembled Max's championship party a lot. They main difference was that Checo wasn't as drunk as last time, he was just slightly tipsy.

This time, everyone wanted to do shots with Checo and Max. Red Bull for the first time in its history, could get their first 1- 2 in the championship. There was an excitement and an anticipation in the air. 

As the engineers and mechanics came over to do more shots with Checo he looked apologetically to Carola, asking for permission with his eyes. Carola chuckled at his look and nodded, then Checo turned to the mechanics with a big smile and downed that shot of tequila. 

Olivia danced with Carola, there was loud music, colored lights, it was like a freaking night club inside a salon. Max would sometimes come over with shots for Olivia and him and they would drink them together. He already seemed very wasted and Olivia knew the same outcome of his championship party was inevitable, but she didn't mind. She was also a bit wasted and it was nice seeing Max so happy with his team. 

As the night went on, Olivia was outside getting some fresh air with Carola. She wasn't a bit wasted anymore, she was full on drunk. Max kept bringing her shots every few minutes and Carola thought she was definitely in the need of a break, so she took her outside to hide from Max's constant drinks.

"I need to hide you from Max for a moment, I don't think he understands you don't handle alcohol as well as he does" said Carola with giggle. 

"What are you talking about! I handle that tequila like a champ" she said indignantly as she zig zagged to the edge of the balcony.

"Liv you're drinking Vodka" laughed Carola.

"Oh" said Liv in slow realization "Yeah then I'm screwed" she nodded. 

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