61. A Cup of Coffee

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"I can't believe he sent you alone to your room, what a jackass" said Lewis shaking his head in disbelief as he walked Liv to her room. 

"I mean you were there so I wasn't actually alone" Olivia tried to defend Max through her drunken speech. 

"Liv stop defending him. Jerk move. And how he just pressed the button and left?!" said Lewis getting more indignant. 

"RIGHT?! 'Get some rest Olivia' " she imitated him "what the actual fuck?!".

"Jackass" said Lewis.

"Jackass!" repeated Olivia.

After Lewis dropped off Liv at her room and made sure there were no murderers inside, he left and Olivia fell asleep right away. She woke up the next day. Her phone still had no battery, she had forgotten to charge it the night before, and she definitely had a headache. The hangover wasn't just physical though, it was also moral. She felt bad for not answering her phone, especially once it was turned on and she had a bunch of texts and missed calls from Max from the day before. He must have been really worried. Why wouldn't he? She had just been attacked a day before. 

She decided to make it up to him. She didn't want things to be weird because of the whole Ashley debacle. The ability she had to get in-between their relationship even from afar was impressive. A definite talent, but Olivia wasn't going to let it slide this time. She had a very needed shower, put on a black sweater with straight jeans and sneakers. Now that she was showered and changed she looked much better but she could still feel a bit of the hangover. 

She had woken up quite early so when she went down to the lobby she didn't see familiar faces at the restaurant yet. She walked outside for about 10 minutes until she found a coffee shop. She bought two coffees and a couple pieces of bread. Then she walked over to a convenience store and bought a bunch of candy and chocolate. She knew Max would probably not eat it, but she had something in mind. Then she went back to the hotel and up to Max's suite. She knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" he asked as Olivia could hear his footsteps walking towards the door.

"It's me, Liv" she said. 

He opened the door and Olivia immediately raised the bag she was carrying filled with treats "I brought you some apology-chocolates" she said with a pained face. 

Against his will Max smiled and chuckled, then he stepped aside to let her in. He started walking towards the kitchen and she followed "Max I'm sorry, I didn't realize I ran out of battery" said Olivia. 

"Olivia you just can't go wandering for hours when you have just been attacked! I thought something happened to you!" said Max a little frustrated. 

"I know, I'm sorry but in my defense I usually charge my phone at night and the police had my phone so.. it wasn't charged" she said quickly. To her that seemed like reason enough to not have battery. 

"What were you doing anyway?" asked Max "You didn't come here because you said you were going for a run and then you disappear for hours and I find you drunk with Lewis at night"

"Well, I did go for a run.. I just ran into Lewis ..and then we ran into Tequila I guess" said Olivia slowly realizing how bad it sounded "I'm probably not making it sound too good, but it just sort of happened, and then suddenly it was the night and we were lost. Then it started raining and a cab robbed us" she said remembering and trying not to laugh. 

"Woah, you were robbed?!" asked Max in shock. 

"No! no no no" said Olivia shaking her head "The taxi just charged us like 30 euros to drive for 1 minute, so ... it was funny at the moment" 

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