3. Your place or mine?

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They danced, laughed, talked for hours. Well, mainly Olivia had talked and Emilian was listening intently to everything she said. She talked to him about her life in New York, her friends, her photography. 

"Well if you are a photographer then you should take my picture" he said with a flirty smile.

"Oh I can see it now, the portrait of Emilian my Uber driver hanging on the walls of the most important galleries of Paris and New York" she said jokingly while she made grand gestures with her arms. 

Emilian burst out laughing and yelled "I'm not your Uber driver!"

"Well what do you do then? I have been talking about myself all night, give me something" said Olivia encouragingly. 

"I'm a car mechanic" Emilian said thinking about what one of his good friends would say right now.

"Well you must be a damn good car mechanic if you live in Monaco" said Olivia raising an eyebrow and not believing a word.

"Yeah you know it's mostly luxury cars.... unique in the world.... the fastest that exist" he added while remembering the car he actually worked with.

"Okay Emilian the mechanic, I would love to take your picture one day" she said sincerely while she nodded.

By 5 am the people that were still remaining at the club were being gently kicked out and sent home. Olivia could not remember the last time she had stayed out so late and also had such a great time. She was never able to find Ava again, she had a tendency of leaving without letting anyone know. However that did not annoy Liv, on the contrary, she was glad she had more alone time with Emilian.

When they started heading out, following the rest of the people, Olivia started feeling kind of down. She really did not want the night to end. Just as they were heading out and there were very few people around them, Olivia's stomach started growling loudly.

"Woah" said Olivia a little embarrassed. She just realized that with her arrival, getting ready and going out she hadn't actually eaten anything. She had a meal on the plane on her way here but that had been about 14 hrs ago. 

Emilian laughed a little bit "Hungry?".

"Yeah, I just realized I haven't eaten anything since early in the afternoon" answered Olivia honestly.

"You cannot go that long without eating. I could cook you something if you'd like" said Emilian, she could tell he was slightly nervous about her answer.

"Oh so you cook?" she said teasingly but also impressed, since the only food Olivia knew how to make were fresh cut fruit covered in yoghurt and sandwiches. 

"Well I'm no chef but I am sure I can figure something out" replied Emilian

"So, your place or mine?" asked Olivia. Emilian just smiled broadly.

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