78. Rivers of Liquor

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Checo's 'celebratory dinner' was more of a party. The tequila was flowing through all of the tables and there was an excitement in the air. It was common for Red Bull to win, however a Checo win was uncommon but always very special. There was something magical about it.

A couple of hours into the party Christian stood up and called for everybody's attention "EVERYBODY! Please give me your attention for a moment, this is an important announcement!" He said "I just received the news from the FIA, WE GOT A FIVE SECOND PENALTY" he said with a bright smile as he rose his glass. Everybody went crazy. Olivia found it hilarious that they were celebrating because they had received a penalty, but they rightfully did, since it meant Checo would officially remain P1. Everyone was celebrating, clinking glasses, jumping, shaking Checo's shoulders, clapping. Olivia squeezed Checo's hand and started jumping in excitement once more. Christian continued "BUT THAT'S NOT ALL" he spoke loudly again to get everyone's attention "this seems like the perfect time to announce Checo will be with us at Red Bull for more wins! His contract has been extended until the end of 2024!"

"Oh my god!" Olivia turned to Checo and hugged him tight, she was so excited, she was receiving an overload of good news, she didn't know what to do with her happiness. She could hear everyone clapping and cheering. As soon as she let go of Checo his group of mechanics grabbed him by the legs and lifted him up in the air, celebrating with him.

After that, it was like the entire party had received a dose of adrenaline. It wasn't a dinner at all anymore. People were dancing, everybody was drinking, and more people outside the Red Bull team started to arrive.

"My boys!!" a drunk Liv called out with a smile when she saw the Ferrari boys arriving to the hotel's terrace. 

"Liv!" said Charles happily as they walked over to her and hugged her. 

"Dios mio, are all of your celebrations like this?" asked Carlos looking around at the party that had completely blown up. 

Olivia looked around "No, this is definitely the best one I've been to at least" she said "Wait what are you two doing here?".

"Checo texted the driver's chat inviting everyone" said Charles with a chuckle.

"Yeah, we were in our own dinner with the team but I'm glad I came, this one is much cooler" said Carlos smiling.

Carlos and Charles had already been drinking wine at their dinner, but now they mixed it with tequila and they were quickly as drunk as Liv. She guessed that's what happened when you drank alcohol after loosing 3kg in a race. They were dancing to the music of the DJ, who was playing a mixture of electronic and reggaeton music. 

"Hey where is Max?" asked Carlos.

"He wouldn't come!" said Olivia indignantly as she kept dancing.

"No way he's missing this!" he said. 

"I know, it's his loss!" said Olivia brushing it off, she didn't want to be mad, she was enjoying herself far too much. 

"Common lets send him a selfie" said Charles as he took out his phone. They took a selfie the three of them together, Olivia had one Ferrari driver on each side, her arms around their shoulders. The people dancing and the DJ visible on the background. Charles sent it to the driver's chat 'You guys are missing this' he texted with the photo.

Carlos also texted on the group chat 'Really. This Red Bull parties are crazy'.

Then Olivia grabbed Charles' phone and texted 'Seriously missing this. - Liv'

To their surprise, more drivers actually did start arriving to the party. Soon Danny Ric, Lando, Lewis and George had arrived to the terrace. 

By the time they did, Carlos, Liv and Charles were on a different level of drunk, with Checo being the drunkest of all. They joined the party right away, they were playing drinking games on the tables, drinking, dancing, They were having a great night, everybody kept celebrating Checo's win and renovation, even if they weren't part of the team. Checo stood on top of a chair and was handing out tequila shots straight from the bottle, soon enough there was even a line. 

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