73. The Verstappens

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That night Max made reservations at a sushi restaurant that was once again in one of the 'super trees' in Singapore. Olivia wore a pair of white loose shorts and a beige top because of the hot and humid weather, with some strappy brown sandals. She wore her hair down like she had been doing every day except for whenever she ran or took photos. The hair around her scar was finally growing but it made any hairstyle look incredibly weird since it was at short and awkward length compared to the rest of her long hair. So if she could help it, she would cover it. She wasn't embarrassed of her scar at all, she was embarrassed of her botched haircut. 

Max was wearing some beige shorts that ended an inch above his knee and a navy t-shirt. He was putting on his watch "Are you ready love?". 

"Mentally or physically?" asked Olivia.

 "Physically" Max said .

"Oh, then sure" she said as she grabbed her bag. 

Max chuckled but then he grabbed her shoulders "Listen Olivia, my family is so important to me, just like you are, and I want this to go well alright? I already asked my dad to behave, he said he would. Just please try to tolerate him okay? Focus on Victoria or the kids" shrugged Max. 

Olivia knew how much Max loved his father, she just didn't understand why. Olivia had grown up apart from half of her family, and instead she had made her own family along the way. Mainly the O'wards, Carola, Ava, now her new family in F1, and Max. 

Max however was dealt the worst father and he still stuck by him anyway. Olivia guessed that for Max blood really was thicker than water; although Olivia wouldn't describe Jos as 'blood', maybe gasoline would be more proper. Yes, Jos was like gasoline.

"I promise to behave" said Olivia raising her hand like she was taking an oath "If he does" she added with a little shrug.

"I'll take it" said Max as he shook his head. Victoria and Jos were staying at a different hotel so they would all be meeting at the restaurant. 

Max and Olivia arrived to the restaurant first, they got one of the Teppanyaki live-cooking tables and they sat there waiting for Jos, Victoria and the kids to arrive. 

Olivia's seat was facing the entrance, so she saw them come in right away. A beautiful blonde with blue eyes with two small kids needed no introduction, she was surely Victoria. "They're here" said Olivia as she saw them come in, before they even arrived at the table Max was already up and had a big smile on his face, Olivia stood up as well and that's when she truly saw Jos Verstappen.

The smug face, the lack of a smile, looking around the place to see if it was up to the standard. Olivia could feel the fire in her veins just by looking at the man. She didn't think she had hated anyone before, but she definitely hated him, it was clear to her. He was rough, venomous, acidic, dangerous. Yes, he was definitely gasoline. As he came over to her and extended his hand Olivia took it, feeling like she was about to burst into flames. That's when she realized, Jos may be the gasoline but she was definitely the matches. 

"Olivia" stated Jos with a nod as he shook her hand. 

"Jos" said Olivia without a smile "Call me Liv, please". 

"Okay, will do" he said nodding, a sense of amicability in his tone. He might have thought that calling Olivia by her nickname was a peace offering, but the truth was that she hated hearing her name coming from him. 

Max was hugging his sister and once they broke apart Victoria turned to Olivia, a bright smile on her face "You must be the famous Olivia!" she said. "Max won't shut up about you". 

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