81. The Karaoke Bar

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After the podium ceremony they were all immediately in mood to celebrate. The team had made championship t-shirts for all of them and they wore them for their team picture before their classic red bull spray. Olivia was never in these pictures, since she was one of the people taking them, but she took this one with a smile brighter than any other. 

After they took the photo and everyone was getting ready to leave Olivia made sure to check up on Charles. He didn't look so happy at the podium ceremony and she wasn't sure if it was because he had lost the championship or because of the incident with Pierre. 

She found him as he was walking towards the paddock exit "Charles! Hey!" Olivia called to him and he stopped and turned to her.

"Hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay after everything that happened today" said Olivia as she signaled back to the track.

Charles shook his head in disbelief "I just can't believe it you know? That they can repeat the same fucking mistake, it's unbelievable" he said without his usual smile, Olivia was pretty sure this was the first time she saw Charles truly upset. 

"I know" said Olivia looking back at the track "It was so careless, and for it to happen here! I mean, Pierre has every right to be fucking pissed" said Olivia.

"And did you hear they are giving him a penalty for it?" said Charles with an incredulous laugh.

"Wait, they are penalizing Pierre?" said Olivia confused "What the fuck, why?!"

"Because apparently he was speeding while the red flag was already out" said Charles with a tight jaw.

"Are you kidding me?! They had a freaking tractor on track!" said Olivia getting heated. 

"20 second penalty" nodded Charles.

"20 SECONDS?" repeated Olivia "What is wrong with the FIA?!"

"And honestly I don't even think Pierre cares about the penalty at all, he just cares about that tractor and he's bringing this up with the FIA".

"Yeah well if he needs any support I think we would all have his back on this one" said Olivia as she took a deep breath.

"Of course, nothing like this should ever happen again" said Charles somberly "I'm so exhausted of today, I'm gonna go back to the hotel, but go celebrate with your team Liv. Don't worry" he said as he tried to force a smile.

Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a hug trying to show her support "Go rest Charles, let me know if you need anything".

"Merci Liv" said Charles, and this time his small smile seemed honest. 

Afterwards they were back in the hotel which was right next to the circuit, getting ready to go celebrate with the team. This time it wasn't their typical dinner, they were having a team party at a karaoke bar. 

Olivia was wearing a blue dress for the occasion, she was going to use the red dress she had worn in Singapore, since Max had liked it so much, but after it was destroyed she didn't have much options. When they got to the karaoke bar at first only a few brave souls would get on the stage and sing, but as the drinks started kicking in for everyone it became more and more often. Checo kept coming back to the stage, he loved karaoke, it didn't matter he was terrible at it. He was so happy up there singing and everyone cheered for him and asked him to sing more. Olivia kept laughing her ass off at her brother's terrible singing, which was very contagious to Max so they would sit there laughing every time Checo would hit a note terribly, although they still cheered for him and clapped with a smile. 

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