70. Mrs. Verstappen

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That morning they woke up late, no alarm clocks. They were used to their 6-7am wake up alarms but since they basically slept at nearly 5 am, they ended up waking up around 11 am. They were exhausted but incredibly happy, the kind of happy only a night of repetitive satisfaction could get you. They ordered breakfast to the room since they weren't ready to go back out and be apart from each other. They had breakfast in the dinning table of the suite, seating next to each other but Olivia's legs on top of Max's lap, turning to him. Max ate his eggs and fruit with one hand and stroked Olivia's legs absentmindedly with the other. She ate her fruit and yoghurt while turning in his direction, just enjoying the morning.

"I have a meeting with Christian at noon, we are talking about contract extensions, at what time are we leaving for the desert?" he asked.

"Contract extensions? Do you know anything about Checo's contract?" asked Olivia slightly worried, the season was near its end.

"I wouldn't worry love, I think they already figured it out they just haven't announced it yet. I'm pretty sure he already signed we just aren't supposed to talk about it" said Max with his hands on her legs.

Olivia let out a sigh of relief. She was glad Checo had a contract extension, and right now he was competing with Charles to see who would be #2 on the championship, since Max's win was so close they could all basically see the trophy on his hands.

"Oh thank God, I'm glad" she said, there was a weight off her shoulders "and what are you negotiating anyway? They are obviously keeping you and you still have one more year there" she asked.

Max let out a small laugh "Yeah the issue is not if they are keeping me on the team, it's for how long" he gave her a small wink.

Olivia's smile grew "Oh okay, I'll leave you to your secret contract extensions then, I'll go to the spa my friend Afif suggested".

Max chuckled "Afif is your friend now?".

"Anyone who calls me Mrs. Verstappen is my friend" joked Olivia "We leave for the camel rides at 3:30 love, so there's plenty of time" she assured him.

"Perfect" said Max "So, if I call you Mrs. Verstappen am I your friend too?" he teased.

"Hmm, I guess I could add you to the friends list" shrugged Olivia, clearly joking.

"Could I get on the more than friends list Mrs. Verstappen?" said Max.

"What about the boyfriend list? Does that seem good?" she asked teasingly.

"It sounds wonderful Mrs. Verstappen" said Max with a smirk as he stroked her legs.

Olivia giggled at the mention of her as Mrs. Verstappen.

She left her yoghurt on the table and got up, she walked a couple of steps to him and slowly placed one leg on each side of him, sitting on top of him on the chair. Max immediately placed his hands on her hips and and ran them up and down her back only to rest on her hips again. There was an anticipation in his eyes, his lips parted slightly and a hint of smile. Then Olivia leaned in, until their lips were only an inch apart, she held his chin lightly with her hand and then she whispered to him "I wouldn't call me like that too much, I might get used to it" she said as a teasing smile appeared on her lips, without so much as a kiss, she stood up with a giggle and walked back into the bedroom "I'm gonna get changed before your meeting starts".

Max sat there, a little out of it, still sitting at the table now looking at the door through which Olivia walked out of the room "That was cruel!..." he called out to her, he just heard her laugh inside the bedroom "..Mrs. Verstappen" he added quietly, just for himself, with a small smile on his face.

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