72. A Great Guy

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After that conversation, Max and Olivia still tried to have a pleasant dinner, although there was an unspoken tension in the air. Olivia could sense it. Maybe it was due to Max's father impending arrival, to the nerves of meeting Victoria, to Max's accusations about Lewis' feelings, or her now canceled trip to Africa. Maybe it was her guilt, because there was a part of her who still wanted to go, although a bigger part of her wanted Max to go with her; but she knew that would never happen, so the next best option was staying in Europe with Max. She tried to convince herself it was the right choice, that she wouldn't regret it.

That night after she got to the hotel she texted Lewis, they texted often during the break, although they never saw each other. Lewis was a busy man and he was always off to a different part of the globe, it was hard to keep track of him.


11:14 pm

I've got some bad news Lew

I'm not going to be able to make it

to Africa after all 🥺


11:20 pm

No way

Tell me you are kidding



11:23 pm

It's just the holidays and everything

It's getting a little complicated


11:25 pm

Are you spending them with Max?

Or in Mexico?


11:25 pm


I'm sorry Lew 🥺


11:30 pm

Don't sweat it Liv

I get it of course

Say hi to your bestie Jos from me


11:31 pm

Don't even get me started

The devil is coming to Singapore 💀


11:32 pm

This should be fun

I'll keep an eye out for any videos

In case there's fighting


That night as Olivia was washing her face and taking her makeup off, Max came into the bathroom and unexpectedly hugged her. He held her tight, sweetly, his head buried on her neck "I don't want things to be weird after our conversation Olivia, is everything good?" he asked.

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