91. The Pill

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By the time they landed in Mexico City the caffeine they had taken that morning had completely worn off. So when they all reached the hotel, Max and Olivia excused themselves for the rest of the day and went to their room to rest. This time, once their bodies hit the bed, they fell asleep right away and they didn't wake up again until 10 pm.

As Olivia yawned loudly in bed and stretched out her arms she woke up Max. He stirred and turned to her "Shh, shh, sh go back to sleep" he said as he pulled her to him and cuddled with her.

Olivia laughed "Too late, I'm awake".

Max groaned as he pulled Olivia tighter but she didn't fight it, she rested in his arms and was slowly falling back asleep. Now even though they had finally slept a decent amount of hours, they were feeling the effects of the hangover. So they really didn't feel like going out at all even if it was their first night in Mexico and Olivia had been dying for this.

Max logged on twitch for a few hours while Olivia laid semi-conscious on the couch watching old rom-coms. They ordered room service and had dinner together while they watched TV before Max returned to his twitch and Olivia returned to bed and slept the rest of the night.

The next day was Tuesday and even though the Grand Prix events did not usually start until Wednesday, this was Checo's home race, which meant the marketing Red Bull team had a bunch of activities planned for the bulls starting on that day.

Thankfully for Max and Olivia, their hangover was gone and they hid their exhaustment with Red Bull and coffee.

"I guess we were pretty careless the other night" said Olivia as they walked over to the marketing session.

"Are you referring to the careless huge amounts of alcohol or the careless huge amounts of unprotected sex?" joked Max turning to her, trying to make her laugh.

"Oh I'm definitely talking about the alcohol" nodded Olivia sarcastically as a smile crept in.

They both started laughing "Everything okay?" asked Max with a note of concern in his voice.

"Yeah it's probably fine, I'm just gonna use this time to go to a pharmacy, get the morning after pill" she shrugged.

"Yeah save yourself from the marketing madness, good idea" he winked at her "that's a good excuse, do you think I can use it too?".

Olivia laughed, Max was always able to tell when she was the most tense, and he was always able to take that tension away and bring a smile back on her face.

"Oh yeah I think you can get away with it" said Olivia with a smile.

Max chuckled "But seriously though, let me know if you need anything" said Max concerned.

"Of course, I will" said Olivia as she grabbed his hand and they walked hand in hand.

They arrived to this big setup at the forum where the circuit was located. There was a table at the center with two chairs and a background with the Red Bull colors, it was all set up. There was a delicious smell of food in the air.

"Something smells fantastic" said Max as they arrived. Checo and the whole team were already there, they were just in time.

"We are gonna be doing some mexican food tasting" said Checo with a smile "so you get to try everything mate".

"Max probably already knows all about Mexican food thanks to Liv right?" said Mark one of the marketing team members.

"No she hasn't educated me like that, but I think I will like this activity then" said Max "at least I get to eat".

"It does smell great, save up some for me okay? I'll be back in like 30 minutes" said Olivia.

"No, no Liv we need you here" said Mark very seriously.

"You do?" asked Liv confused, it wasn't often that she was asked to be there during the whole marketing shootings.

"Yeah this is Checo's home race, we need constant content all day long!" explained Mark making sure he emphasized the importance of it "We need great photos of Checo and Max enjoying Mexico all day".

"Oh right, sure. Let's start then" shrugged Liv as she put down her camera bag and took out her camera.

They started shooting videos, with Olivia on the sides taking photographs. The boys tasted different kinds of tacos and meat for the video and Max was loving all of it. Checo was very selective with his tacos but Max dived right in and kept giving 4/5 and 5/5 ratings. Olivia giggled behind the camera looking at his reaction, she was definitely taking him out for some good tacos afterwards.

After the promo videos were done Olivia was sent immediately to edit some photographs, so for the rest of the day she barely had time to do anything, even eating. Every small break they had was spent editing pictures which were sent immediately to the social media team for posting. Then she was back to their activities and shooting more content. It was a cycle that lasted all day. In the middle of the afternoon, at around 4 o clock Max showed up at the motor home with two plates of tacos.

"You haven't eaten today" he said as he placed the plate next to Olivia's laptop.

"Oh my god thank you, I love coffee but I was starting to feel the starvation" she said as she leaned in the give him a quick kiss.

"I stole some of the tacos from the promo video" laughed Max "they were so good, you need to try them".

Olivia giggled and tried her first taco and nodded "I don't know if I was just that hungry or if these tacos are that amazing".

"Surely a bit of both" said Max taking a bite "No, no, it's definitely the tacos, they're fucking fantastic" he said while covering his mouth with his hand.

As the day came to an end Olivia felt silly for thinking she would have free time at all, of course she would be completely packed during her brother's home race. It was just like Max's home race, they were basically their countries' national heroes. Even Max finished working before Olivia and he waited for her at the motor home while she finished her last batch of photos for the day before they both headed out.

As they headed back to the hotel they stopped by a pharmacy to finally buy the morning after pill that had been hunting Olivia's mind all morning. She drank the pill right away with a water bottle.

"Good job" said Max playfully as he raised his hand for a high five.

"Hell yeah" said Olivia as she high-fived Max right after swallowing the pill "better late than never" she shrugged.

"You were right we are being pretty careless" chuckled Max "do you want to get dinner?"

"Sure let's get some more tacos" smiled Olivia.

"It's like you are reading my mind" said Max as he put his arm around Olivia's shoulders and they walked back to the car.


I think i might write some short chapters this weekend if I get a chance. They will be short but I guess it's better than  nothing right?


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