97. Lazy Morning

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Olivia and Max kept dancing and having fun with the rest of the team late unto the night. Her mother and father had left a few hours ago and now she was in complete serenity enjoying the night. 

"We should probably get going, we leave for Guadalajara tomorrow morning" said Checo.

"Yeah, it's late" said Carola as she gave Liv a hug "We'll see you guys on saturday?".

"Can't wait" said Liv as she hugged her back "Have a safe flight Chequito" she added as she hugged her brother. 

As much as they had drank when her mother was around, they had severely slowed down since she left, which left Max and Olivia in a tipsy but not drunk state as the rest of the terrace started to clear for the night. 

When they decided to go back up to their rooms, they rode the elevator with a few other members of the team. The elevator started to empty as they kept stopping on various floors and people would hop down. 

Max and Olivia stood on opposite sides of the elevator, in front of each other. There was something about Max's dark golden hair, which was now messy and undone, the now disheveled button down shirt and the smell of tequila which still lingered on the air. Olivia couldn't help but stare at him fro the other side of the elevator, a few people in between them waiting to arrive to their floor.

Max looked at her and noticed her staring, his brow furrowed and a chuckle escaped him. "What?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing" shrugged Olivia.

Max looked at her suspiciously, not knowing exactly what was going on through her mind, but in Olivia's mind, she couldn't wait for the rest of the people in the elevator to leave so she could walk up to him and kiss him. 

The elevator came to a stop on the last floor before theirs and the last people left the elevator. 

"Good night guys!" said Max.

"Good night!" called out Liv.

The elevator doors closed and Olivia immediately turned to look at Max, he turned to look at her too "What is up with you?" he asked noticing she was acting weird. 

Olivia crossed that elevator in a second, before Max even realized it, she already had her hands on the back of his neck and her lips were pressed on his. 

He was surprised for a moment but caved in immediately, he pulled her closer to him by the waist and then took a few steps towards her direction, pushing her against the elevator wall. Their kissed were slow and passionate, there was a craving in them. It was amazing for Olivia how she never got tired of him, she always just wanted more. And even now, her skin still caught fire every time he kissed her. 

Max lifted her in the air and she wrapped her legs around his torso as he pushed her against the wall one more time and they kept on kissing. Olivia slipped her hand inside his shirt from the back of the neck, feeling his skin against the palm of her hand. Max started slipping one of his hands underneath her dress as he held her steady with the other one. 

"Are there cameras here?" said Olivia parting their lips and looking at the corners of the elevator.

Max didn't stop for a second, he started going down and kissing her neck when the doors to the elevator doors opened back up on their floor and they rushed to their room.


The next morning Olivia and Max woke up late, they didn't want to get up at all. Even though they were already awake they stayed in bed longer, refusing to start their day. They called for breakfast in bed and eventually they were forced to get up. They had a flight to catch. 

"Finally! We have been waiting for forever!" said Charles as Max and Olivia arrived to the lobby.

"That's not true, he just got here. I, however, have been waiting for a while" said Carlos.

"Sorry we just couldn't get out of bed this morning" said Liv.

"Geez Liv we don't need to know about your sex life" said Carlos.

Olivia and Max laughed "No that's not.." started Max.

"Yeah don't brag, some of us aren't getting any" said Charles.

"Talk for yourself" said Carlos.

"Do you guys think I'm Lando? Or why am a part of this conversation?" said Liv.

They laughed "You are the one that started it by bragging about your morning" said Charles.

"But we weren't.." said Olivia.

Max placed his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head "Let them be jealous love, it is what it is" he interrupted as he gave Olivia a small wink and she laughed. 

"Yeah alright, sure" she shrugged "Let's go then, the beach is waiting".

They flew on Max's plane to Puerto Vallarta, where Checo's beach house was waiting for them. This was possibly Olivia's favorite place, and she was so glad she got to finally show it to Max. She was sure he would love it as much as she had. 


Filler chapter!

Sorry I'm re reading the whole story before writing the ending and I need to finish it before I continue writing. I'm on like chapter 25 now So I guess only 72 more to go?

I just wanna make sure all loose ends are tied and the whole thing makes sense. 

Hopefully tomorrow I finish reading it and I can continue writing the story

I've seen some of you reading the whole thing in a day so I think it's possible lol ❤️

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