79. Streets of Tokyo

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Max and Olivia got to the hotel's restaurant together, everybody else was already there sitting at a long table.

"Took you long enough" said Lando.

"Oh but look at that smile, Max is happy again" said Charles.

"Yeah I can imagine why, no wonder they took so long" said Carlos teasingly.

"Very funny" said Max sarcastically, but the smile was still on his face.

"Grow up" said Liv with a chuckle "Did you guys order already?" Asked Liv as she sat down on the table.

"Yeah, don't worry we ordered a ton of food for everyone" said Lewis brushing it off so Liv put her menu back down.

It really was a ton of food, you could really tell they were all hangover or maybe still slightly dunk. Olivia was having some very fluffy pancakes with some coffee and bacon. They were all telling stories about the night before. Max listened intently to all of it. 

"I just remember cursing at Charles" said Olivia while they talked about Charles' vomit.

"Yeah in Spanish" said Carlos and they all started laughing.

"I didn't realize I was switching languages" laughed Olivia.

"I do, it made me even more dizzy" said Charles "You talk very fast when you go all Latin, it was like listening to Carlos say his full name over and over again"

Then they saw Checo come in through the restaurant's door. They all cheered and called out to him "He's alive!!!" yelled Liv.

"Checo survived!" yelled Carlos.

Checo started laughing with them and came over to their table, his face was puffy and he looked almost as bad as Charles.

"When did you guys go to bed?" asked Checo with a smile.

"I think the last time I saw the clock it was like 4:40?" said Danny.

"My mind just went blank to be honest, I have no idea" said Olivia looking very energetic.

"Why are you so happy?" asked Checo.

"Still drunk" said a chorus of the drivers around the table. It made Olivia giggle more.

"It was such a great party mate" said Lewis.

"It really was" said Checo smiling brightly "Max, why didn't you come?" asked Checo turning to him.

"Uhm, I wasn't feeling so well after the race, with the heat and everything you know" said Max thinking on his feet. Now he felt bad for not going simply because he didn't want to.

"Well it was a fantastic party" said Charles as he shook his head.

"And they announced Checo's renewal" said Olivia brightly.

"Oh man! Congratulations mate that's great!" said Max with a bright smile as he stood up to give Checo a quick hug.

"Thanks mate!" said Checo brightly "We are gonna be partners a few more years" he said.

"Fantastic! I can't believe I missed it then" he said shaking his head in disbelief. Yeah, now he felt worse.

"You can be there for the next renewal" said Olivia with a small wink and a confident nod. 

Checo laughed "Okay Liv, one contract extension at a time, take it easy". 

After breakfast they all went back to their rooms. Olivia and Max started packing "Are you ready for Tokyo?" asked Max.

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