Chapter Seventy-nine

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- Subject: A17 - The Heart -

"Is everyone okay?!" I call out as I really can't see anything. "Yeah..." One of them says before a door behind us opens and I squint my eyes close together as they adjust to the light. "What the shuck?" Theo then speaks up as we slowly make our way out and into a hallway looking around us, as lights start turning on and I turn around and start following the way the light is turning on everyone quickly following, as Thomas Chuck and Teresa walk up front and I go to walk in between Newt and Minho with Theo on the other side of Minho then Fry and Winston.

We walk for a little while before we get to a door with a sign over it saying 'EXIT' with a green light, and I look around at the others getting eye contact with Fry as we share a confused look, before he turns to look at Winston beside him. "Seriously?" he asks out in disbelief as I look up at the sign then over at two small lamps, one red and one green, the green lamp being on.

Thomas then slowly walks up to the door, pressing down the handle then letting go, the door slowly opening revealing a light smoke, flickering, alarms and people in white lap coats laying on the ground with at least two bullet holes each in them, and I start playing with my bracelet when I feel someones hand reach out for mine and I look down to see Newt holding my hand drawing small circles on the back of it as we all slowly walk through the door.

As we walk through the small hallway I notice a long window in the wall as curiosity fills me and I look over to see two bodies laying on two tables, looking to be between fifteen to sixteen years old, each one with a round bloodstain on their stomach indicating that someone shot them too, while they where laying on the tables, as I just stand there staring at them feeling bad for them, that their lives had to end that way, as Minho gently pushes me forwards by putting his hand on my lower back as Newt pulls me with them too following after the others.

"What happened here?" Winston then asks as we see a man laying on the ground with a gun laying by his hand, Minho just pushes the gun away looking up at Winston before he starts walking forwards again. "Oh, my god..." I then mutter as we walk into a big room with even more people laying around on the ground with bullet holes in them, and I walk up beside Minho letting go of Newts hand as he walks over to some screens with Fry and Theo. "Wait, what the hell is this?" I then speak up as I see a picture of me, but just two years younger on a screen, and I slowly walk up to it, as Minho walks up on some podium along with Chuck.

When I get to the screen I see a lot of numbers and other things, but what really stands out to me is what's written beside my picture;

Group A

Subject: A17 - The Heart

Subject A17 is the kind one in the group, but can still be though if she needs to be. She's the one the other subjects count on, is good at helping where she is needed. she's the more softer one too, but will still come up with some comments here and there. She is the heart of the group, alway making sure everyone is safe, she will be the first to make sure the new arrivals is safe and well taken care off, will even follow them into the Maze if it means staying there for a night. can be of use later on.

Can be of use later on? What do they mean by that? Was it on purpose they let a Griever out in broad daylight? To see how I would react after my first time in there? Did they trap George to see if I would go look after him?! The questions starts flying through my mind as I just stand there staring at the screen.

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