Chapter 3

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After Jiang Dao's waist strain eased somewhat, the director team didn't waste much time and quickly arranged to re-record the guest entrance session.

There were no tricks this time. Chu Yinlong came in from the hall door normally and greeted several guests.

After filming the greetings of the guests, the voiceover began to read out the challenge process of this episode:

"Today, we invited Mr. Zhang, a famous chef in Nagisa City, to cook his specialty dishes for us. Mr. Zhang prepared sugar for our lunch Vinegar braised fish, Huaishan roast chicken and pot dishes, but not everyone has the opportunity to taste these dishes." "

Next, we arranged three challenges. The guests were divided into two teams according to the color of their clothes. Only when you win a challenge can you choose one of the three dishes as a reward. The team that fails the challenge can only get a pack of pickled mustard or a salted duck egg." Hearing this,

Jiang Dao couldn't help but frown and glanced at it from the corner of his eyes. Looking at Chu Yinlong standing next to him.

They are all wearing red clothes and are destined to cooperate with each other to win the game.

Okay, in order to eat delicious food, he can bend and stretch.

Also on the same team as Jiang Dao was Yi Bailu. At this time, he came over and inserted himself between Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong. He smiled at the two and turned to look at the director team intently.

The voice-over continues to explain the rules of the game:

"Zugisa City is a famous hometown of martial arts. The 'martial arts master' Zhuhuai Temple that appears in many martial arts works was created based on the monk system of Huaishan Temple in Zhu City. So, today we The challenges arranged are all related to martial arts. The three challenges for lunch are 'Pile Skill', 'Sword Skill' and 'Footwork'." Hearing

this, Yi Bailu clapped his hands and said excitedly: "Wow! Then let's With Brother Long in the team, isn't it a sure win? Isn't he a former martial arts monk from Huaishan Temple?"

"That's not possible." Next to him, Lu Jun shook his head and clicked his tongue, "There's no way the program team will let us actually practice martial arts. I guess What kind of magic modification thing is it? Besides, Xiao Tang is pretty good on our side... right Xiao Tang?"

Tang Yao smiled and said: "As long as it's not about actual martial arts training, I think our side has a greater chance of winning. After all, we have filmed together for three seasons, so our tacit understanding must be better than theirs."

When everyone came to the challenge area prepared outdoors, Lu Jun and Tang Yao became more confident.

Because the challenge venue does not look like a fighting arena at all, but in a pool filled with soft foam blocks, with two cylindrical stakes about one meter high and about one meter in diameter erected.

"You call this 'Pile Kung Fu'?" Chu Yinlong couldn't laugh or cry, pointing at the two columns, "Are they really piles?"

The voiceover quickly announced the rules: "As you can see, the first challenge is 'Pile Kung Fu' '. Three people in the team need to stand on the cylindrical stakes in the field at the same time. The team that persists longer wins. The stakes will shrink every ten seconds. If one of the three people in the team falls, it is considered a failure. "

"It can still shrink?" Yi Bailu was surprised, "How can it shrink

like this?" "Can we take a look first?" Tang Yao also asked, "At least let us know how small it is at its minimum? Otherwise, Brother Lu Now, we all have to be squeezed down."

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