Chapter 45

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In the next few days, the focus of filming was on Chu Yinlong.

Adhering to his consistent style, he designed many difficult actions for the protagonist of this film. For safety, each fight will be cut into many short shots, shot step by step, and finally edited and connected.

There are very few actors who need to be present at this stage, and most of the space outside the camera must be reserved for props, field staff, and professional medical teams, ready for rescue at any time.

However, Jiang Dao still insisted on attending the show every day. Without his role in the scene, he would just do some things for the venue staff. Because he was young and didn't have any celebrity status, he quickly became familiar with the staff and learned a lot about the operation of the set, as well as... a lot of gossip.

"Huh? Teacher Chu saved Shi Lu's life?" Jiang Dao asked curiously while helping to set up the scene.

"Yes, I was on the set at the time and saw it with my own eyes."

The prop boy said, "That scene was filmed on an ice lake. Experts originally assessed that the ice surface was fine, but I don't know why. Suddenly a big hole collapsed, and the stone road fell together with the prop sled. Brother Long was behind him at the time, and he jumped in to save people without thinking, but it scared us all!"

As he said, he added Sighed: "To put it bluntly, Brother Long is worth so much. If something happens to him, the entire crew can't afford it... Stuntman accidents happen several times every year, so no one expected that Brother Long would personally go to rescue him." People."

Hearing this, Jiang Dao suddenly remembered something and murmured: "Stuntmen are also born to mothers, so their lives are not their lives?"

The prop boy was stunned, and then smiled and said: "Why are you talking to Long? Brother said the same thing? That's what he said when he was scolded by the director after he brought someone in."

As he said that, he looked frightened again: "But luckily Brother Long reacted quickly, otherwise Shilu might have been really dangerous. At that time, he fell When I went down, I was caught between the broken ice and the sled, and I fainted. It was impossible to float up on my own... Later I heard that there seemed to be some internal organs ruptured. In short, if I had to wait for rescue, it would be a minute or two late. , he might be dead."

"No wonder I see them so close," Jiangdao smiled, "It's a life-saving grace..."

Not to mention in this peaceful and comfortable world, even in the apocalyptic wasteland, a life-saving grace They are all substantial enough.

After setting up the scene, the staff repeatedly confirmed the status of the wires, the location of the props and the smoothness of the floor. Then, the professional team conducted a risk assessment on Chu Yinlong's action design and scene layout, and confirmed that the hidden dangers had been reduced to a minimum before preparing to start filming.

Edao walked to the sidelines, picked up an apple from the fruit bowl, and took a bite.

He had seen this formation before the shooting several times in the past few days. The thrills and excitement on camera were actually very strictly controlled and protected outside the camera, so there were no accidents for several days.

However, the reason why accidents are called accidents is because they may avoid all the best considerations and happen suddenly in unexpected places.

When Jiang Dao sensed that something was wrong, Chu Yinlong was jumping down from the shelves that suddenly collapsed in the warehouse scene.

The design of this shot is like this - under the feet of the two people in pursuit, the giant shelf collapses, and the protagonist slides to the ground on the pouring props and stands firmly.

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