Chapter 28

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Not long after Jiang Dao returned to the private room, Lu Zhengrong also came back.

Everyone chatted for a few more words, and the banquet ended quickly.

Jiang Dao carried the drunk Zhu Yao back to the guest room upstairs. He would not take good care of him and leave him there to fend for himself. He would just stay aside to prevent accidents.

Zhu Yao fiddled with himself for a while, washed his face, took off his coat and shoes, sat on the carpet beside the bed, and waved his hand towards Jiang Dao: "You... you go back, I... don't need you to take care of me."

Seeing that he was not drunk to death, Jiang Dao didn't feel worried and stood up to leave.

Unexpectedly, before he reached the door, he was grabbed by Zhu Yao again.

Zhu Yao frowned: "Where are you going? You... are not allowed to go anywhere! Why do I feel uneasy and well-intentioned about the... entertainment arranged by this shabby company... That, uh, that director... you must not go Find him. Come back and sit down... Sit down! Don't go anywhere!"

Jiangdao: ...

He understands the truth, but what does it mean to pull him to sit on the carpet?

Helpless, Jiang Dao sat cross-legged on the ground, holding his chin and looking at Zhu Yao.

Zhu Yao casually pulled off his tie and threw it aside. He leaned his head against the mattress behind him. After a while, he sighed heavily and muttered: "I have a little guess... But I really didn't expect that Xinghe and Xinghe Media are so big. The company also does this... I thought... Xiaodao, you must not go to Li Cheng."

"Well, I won't go." Jiang Dao had no choice but to agree casually.

In the original book, there is very little description of Zhu Yao. The few times he appears, he is always cold and inhumane, and the villain Jiang Dao in the original book does not have a good relationship with him.

After getting along with each other these days after time travel, Jiang Dao also feels that Zhu Yao is a very calm and ruthless person who only knows business... No, compared to "people", in Jiang Dao's eyes, he was more like a gift from a book "Character cards" are empty skins without flesh and blood.

But when he was drunk, he looked like a "person".

The phone vibrated, and Chu Yinlong called on WeChat. Jiang Dao picked up: "What's the matter?"

Chu Yinlong asked knowingly, "Is the banquet over?"

Jiang Dao said "hmm": "It just ended."

Chu Yinlong: " Aren't you drunk?"

Before Jiang Dao could answer, Zhu Yao muttered something next to him and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab his arm.

"What I should remind you is that there may be something wrong with this game. I'm not sure, but..." Zhu Yao said incoherently, "...I shouldn't have brought you here! But, but I can't help it, I can't If you resign, now my family, I..."

"Is there anyone next to you?" Chu Yinlong's tone became serious.

"It's Zhu Yao." Jiang Dao said helplessly, "He helped me hold back a lot of wine. He got drunk and went crazy with alcohol." "

...Oh." Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment and asked, "Can you take care of me? Are you coming here? Do you need help? I can ask Lu Zhengrong to send an assistant there."

Jiang Dao paused, curious: "Are you familiar with Mr. Lu?"

Next to him, Zhu Yao suddenly shouted: "Not even Mr. Lu! You can't... you can't go to them, and you're not allowed to go anywhere!"

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