Chapter 59

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After having lunch in the commercial street, the two returned to the guest room to pack their luggage.

As soon as Jiang Dao finished packing the boxes, he saw Chu Yinlong walking over and handing him a small box.

"What?" Jiang Dao took it curiously.

"A gift." Chu Yinlong said, "Open it and take a look?"

Jiang Dao stood up with a smile: "You bought it for me too? Why didn't you give it to me earlier?"

As he said that, he opened the lid of the box and saw two pills inside. The small black pearl earrings glowed with a faint blue-purple color under the light.

"Thank you, I like it very much too." Jiang Dao took out one of the earrings, hesitated for a moment, then touched his earlobe, a little confused, and finally handed the earring in his hand to Chu Yinlong, "Put it on for me. "

He really doesn't know how to do this.

Chu Yinlong's breathing was slightly suffocated, then he took a short breath, took the earrings, and moved closer to Jiangdao.

His fingers were trembling slightly for no reason. He carefully aligned himself for a long time before pushing the tip of the earring into Jiang Dao's tiny ear hole... Unexpectedly, he encountered resistance.

Seeing Jiang Dao frowning, Chu Yinlong suddenly became nervous: "It hurts?"

"It doesn't hurt." Jiang Dao replied, "Is it difficult to penetrate?"

Chu Yinlong's throat rolled, and he whispered: "I'll do it again Try it."

Hot fingers gently pinched Jiang Dao's earlobe, and with the slight movement, there was a slight tremor, and Jiang Dao frowned deeper.

"...It really doesn't hurt?" Chu Yinlong didn't dare to move.

"It really doesn't hurt," Jiang Dao laughed, "You dare to insert it."

Chu Yinlong held his breath, put a little more force on his fingers, and pushed all the ear needles in. Seeing that the tip of Edao's earlobe was exposed and there was no sign of bleeding, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and fastened the clip.

Jiangdao raised his hand and touched the earrings, secretly smoothing away the numbness coming from there.

He tilted his head and turned the other ear to Chu Yinlong.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yinlong was stunned for a long time while holding the earrings, and finally said helplessly: "You only have one pierced ear." Jiang

Dao blinked his eyes and pretended to be stunned: "Oh, yes, I even forgot about it."

, he took another earring from Chu Yinlong, put it back in the box, closed it, and put it away in his suitcase.

Chu Yinlong lowered his eyelashes and murmured an incoherent sentence: "That's why he only made one for you..."

Jiang Dao didn't hear clearly: "Huh? What did you say?"

Chu Yinlong exhaled slowly. His tone: "...Nothing." But suddenly I felt like I was being compared.


On the second day after returning to Yan City, Jiang Dao attended the closing banquet of the crew of "Operation Red Owl".

As the official start of film promotion, the wrap-up banquet is of course not just a matter of having the crew and cast members have a meal together, but usually the bosses from the management and the media are also invited to attend.

Fortunately, unlike journalists chasing news, the specially invited media come with good intentions and will not ask too tricky questions.

This was Jiangdao's first time wearing formal attire to participate in an event. He was not used to wearing a suit, and he always felt a little constrained and unable to move. But since everyone dressed like this, he could only do as the Romans did.

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