Chapter 13

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Nearly a month has passed since I returned to Yan City from Nagisa City.

In the past twenty days, Jiangdao has not received any decent work arrangements. Except for being taken out to shoot a print advertisement at the end of May, the rest of the time he has been on the line at two o'clock every day - either attending classes in the company's training classroom or returning home. Stay at the trainee apartment.

Of course, Jiangdao is not just fishing for water.

He listened carefully to every class the company arranged for new artists, and tried hard to keep up with the teacher's pace, including shaping classes, dance classes, vocal classes and acting classes.

These courses seemed very interesting to Jiang Dao. They were things that he had never dreamed of having the opportunity to come into contact with before.

Although, these things are "of no use" to his already formed world view... But after all, it is not a world that requires fighting, so learning some such fancy things is a very novel experience.

As for his spare time, in addition to completing the homework assigned by the substitute teachers, Edao spent all his free time on exercising... and looking for delicious food.

On this day, Zhu Yao finally finished working on the new group and wanted to take a look at Jiangdao's apartment.

"What are you doing?" As soon as he walked in, Zhu Yao's eyes widened in surprise at the smell of milk that filled the room.

Jiang Dao turned away from the oven and smiled at Zhu Yao: "Are you back? I'm making egg tarts, they'll be ready soon."

Zhu Yao looked like he was almost suffocating.

"Egg tarts?" He looked incredulous, "You still dare to eat egg tarts? I haven't seen you for less than a month, look how fat you are! You still dare to eat egg tarts?!"

Jiang Dao looked at him speechlessly Zhu Yao: "The shaping class teacher didn't say I was fat."

He eats a lot these days, but correspondingly, the amount of exercise has also increased by more than two or three times. Although there are still no obvious muscle lines on the body, the overall condition of the person is obviously much better than the thin and weak appearance before. Why is it called "fat"?

People in this world really like to look for trouble.

Seeing Jiang Dao's face full of disapproval and obviously not wanting to repent, Zhu Yao didn't know what to say, so he simply put the issue aside.

He smelled the fragrance of milk filling the room again and wondered: "When did you learn to cook? Why did you buy your own oven?" "I met

Sister Wu Lan in the cafeteria two weeks ago and heard me praise the delicious egg tarts in the cafeteria. , she told me about a food blogger." Jiangdao said while taking the baked egg tart out of the oven, "I learned it from the blogger's video, it's not difficult... try it?" Gradually he mastered the world After using advanced technology

, Jiangdao discovered that it is really easy to learn new skills here.

Take Weibo for example. At first, he didn't want to pay attention to the noisy entertainment industry and almost never opened the software. It was not until later that he discovered that there were many food bloggers and pet bloggers on it, and he quickly became addicted to it. After working out every day, he would always watch a few videos before going to bed.

As for the skill of cooking, he already knew it. However, the world outside the book does not have so many types of kitchen utensils and electrical appliances, nor the dazzling array of ingredients here. Most of the time, he just cooks the food and is done.

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