Chapter 96

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In the next few days, the weather was not sunny and the temperature dropped slightly. However, the filming of the outdoor scenes in the snow-capped mountains went smoothly, and we did not encounter any unexpected situations such as avalanches.

However, during the last shooting, Edao's snowboard accidentally got stuck in the snow, and he rolled several times in the middle of the snow slope. Finally, he stood up again with the momentum of rolling down the mountain, and gritted his teeth to complete the final sprint. , successfully stopped at the gentle slope of the finish line.

The medical team waiting at the foot of the mountain rushed forward immediately and put Jiang Dao on the stretcher without any explanation.

Chu Yinlong didn't even bother to drink hot water. He rushed to the stretcher with red eyes and his voice trembled: "Xiaodao! How are you? Are you injured? Does it hurt anywhere?"

Jiang Dao's tone was very calm: "On the right side My shoulder seemed to be sprained, but I didn't feel any other injuries for the time being. It was just cold, and I had a neck full of snow. "

In fact, the snow on the hillside was quite thick. Although he fell badly and felt a little pain all over his body. To put it bluntly, it was actually not to the point of being injured. If he was seriously injured, he would not be able to regain his balance on his own and stand up again to complete the slide.

At this time, the assistant director's voice came from the staff's intercom: "This is passed. It doesn't matter the part where you fell down in the middle. You can cut it out later, or just use it directly. After watching the samples, Chu Yinlong, you can decide. If you need to reshoot, you can use a stand-in."

Chu Yinlong immediately agreed: "Okay, let's do it."

He cut off the intercom and said to the medical staff: "Contact the helicopter to send Jiang Dao down the mountain first."

Fortunately . The last scene of the exterior scene had been shot, and even if Jiang Dao was absent, it would not have much impact on the filming of the film, so he did not refuse to reassure Chu Yinlong.

The helicopter quickly sent Jiangdao to the hospital. After examination, it was found that only the shoulder joint sprain was serious. The other injuries were just minor bruises and did not require attention.

Even the doctor couldn't help but ridicule: "A star is still precious. With such an injury, he is willing to take out a helicopter and pay thousands of dollars for a flight. It doesn't even cost a few thousand dollars to cure this injury."

Jiang Dao smiled: "That's right! If you ask me, just buy a plaster and apply it on yourself."

That night, Chu Yinlong also came down from the snow mountain. Instead of going to the hotel with the crew, he went straight to the observation ward where Jiang Dao was staying.

It happened that the doctor was doing his rounds. Jiang Dao pointed at Chu Yinlong with a smile and said to the doctor: "He was the one who had to send me here by helicopter to take a film and be hospitalized. Do you think it was a waste of money?"

This doctor is not afraid of stage either. Smiling, he told Chu Yinlong about their afternoon conversation.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yinlong said: "You think we are good to him and are willing to spend money on him, but have you ever thought about it? He will continue to shoot for more than three months, more than half of which are intense fighting actions. The injury on his shoulder is impossible to rest according to the doctor's instructions. The way he looks at Jin Gui is actually due to the injuries all over his body after many years."

The doctor was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "I don't want to make a movie. I understand, but I definitely won't stop working for a month because of his shoulder."

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