Chapter 33

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A golf club in the northern suburbs of Yan City.

Chu Yinlong cut off the communication and said to the person sitting next to him: "Sorry, it's a bit of a personal matter." "

It doesn't matter, we have nothing serious to do here." Qin Xiao picked up the teacup and took a sip with an elegant smile.

Seeing that the opponent did not get up to continue playing, Chu Yinlong simply sat down to rest and randomly found a topic: "I thought Xiao Qin always wanted to invest in film and television works, so he asked me out."

Qin Xiao put down the teacup: "Although we There is very little cooperation between the two companies, but I also know that regardless of business matters, if you really want to invest, of course you will contact Longqi Entertainment directly. I asked you to meet today just to get to know the new actor. We are the same age, and, I have been watching your movies since I was a child."

Chu Yinlong smiled politely and did not answer.

He didn't believe that someone like Qin Xiao would ask him out alone just because he "wanted to get acquainted." Under normal circumstances, even if Qin Xiao wanted to get to know him for personal reasons, the two of them should have been introduced to each other at a certain circle gathering.

Qin Xiao was not embarrassed at all, and said to himself: "I remember clearly that you debuted as a child star, and played a demon-hunting boy in a movie when you were eight years old. Well, I still remember that the 'monster' you want to catch is that The heroine of the film, I don't know how many people were fascinated by her beauty at the time... But, it was a pity later..." "

Yes, it is a pity."

Chu Yinlong agreed lightly.

Qin Xiao stood up and picked up the clubs from the shelf, his smile unchanged: "If she hadn't caused such a scandal, she probably wouldn't have been forced to disappear. I just didn't expect that in the entertainment industry, even someone so beautiful would An actress will also use that method to gain a position..."

As he spoke, he chuckled: "It's a pity that even if she later gave birth to a son for the wealthy businessman, she still couldn't turn over."

Chu Yinlong frowned slightly . Wrinkled, his tone was slightly serious: "Sorry, I'm not interested in Mr. Qin's family affairs."

Qin Xiao turned around and looked over: "Really?"

Chu Yinlong smiled, stood up and picked up the club: "Let's play ball."

With Qin Xiao When Xiao passed by, he heard the other party whisper casually: "What's that actress's name? She seems to be... Jiang Ruo."


A month later.

Jiang Dao excitedly sat in the driver's seat, adjusted the seat and mirror, touched the gear handle, and sighed with a little disappointment.

In the passenger seat, the assistant Xiao Yang said tremblingly: "Oh, how about I drive!"

Jiang Dao looked serious: "Don't worry, Brother Yang, I'm very good at driving."

The assistant obviously didn't believe it: "You just got your driver's license! Jiang

Dao ignored him and started the car on his own, muttering in a low voice: "It's a pity, the automatic transmission is boring..." He

stepped on the accelerator, and the car left the vehicle management office in a graceful arc and merged into the main road. .

Half an hour later, the two arrived safely in the basement of Chu Yinlong's studio.

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