Chapter 44

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The next two days were all about the fight scenes between Jess and Xu Zhou. Since it contains many close-up shots, Chu Yinlong has much higher requirements for shooting quality.

As a result, it was as if Jiang Dao and Jing Yu could not escape the curse of NG as soon as they met, and a few simple confrontation scenes began to repeat over and over again.

This time, it's not that Jiang Dao's pressure is too strong, but that Jing Yu's movements always fail to meet the requirements. Either the strength is too light and there is no sense of impact, or the angle is wrong and Jiang Dao's moves are missed, or he is beaten. Sometimes I can't control my expression properly.

"Stop!" Chu Yinlong raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brow, "Jing Yu, I know you have never practiced martial arts, so I don't have high requirements for you, but even if this is a close-up, it's impossible to just take a picture of your face! You've practiced your movements well, but can you use a little more force? Your shots are so soft, how can you ask the editor to edit your and Wu Ti's movements together, huh?"

Jing Yu stood in the field and was trained obediently. When the training was over, He looked at Jiang Dao with some concern, and finally plucked up the courage to retort: "But Xiao Dao is still injured, and I can't do it."

Chu Yinlong:...

Jiang Dao:...

"You !" Chu Yinlong's expression became very strange, he seemed a little angry, a little helpless, and a little sullen, "You are filming a movie! When you enter the venue, you are Xu Zhou, a policeman. He is Jess, a criminal. , you feel sorry for him?"

Jiang Dao also couldn't laugh or cry: "Do I call this a wound? It's almost gone. Look, you can't even see the blemishes even after covering them up, and the skin is not broken at all. Can you call it a wound?"

Jing Yu pursed his lips. He kept his mouth shut for a moment and said, "Then I'll try harder next time."

Jiang Dao smiled and winked at him: "You can try your best, but don't pity me..."

"Ahem!" Chu Yinlong interrupted the two of them, "Get ready to start. ."

After two more shots, the shot finally passed.

Until about 5:30 that afternoon, the rivalry between Jiang Dao and Jing Yu came to a perfect end, and Jing Yu's scenes in "Operation Red Owl" were also over.

When Chu Yinlong shouted "passed", Jiang Dao pulled Jing Yu into his arms with a smile on his face and gave him a friendly hug: "Congratulations, it's finished."

Jing Yu was smiling foolishly when he looked up and saw Chu Yin Long Zheng was standing behind Jiang Dao, staring at him with a dark face, and was immediately startled.

The next moment, he broke away from Jiang Dao's embrace and quickly took two steps back. His smile was stiff: "Uh, haha, congratulations...ah, no! Thank you! Well, that..."

Jiang Dao raised his eyebrows, silently lowering his eyebrows and hanging them in the air. hand.

Why was Jing Yu so surprised? Did someone threaten him?

At this time, Shi Lu, who was Jing Yu's military substitute, came over and patted Chu Yinlong on the shoulder.

"Since the filming of Xiao Jing is finished today," he said with a smile, "it's almost time to have dinner. Why don't we go out for a big meal together and treat it as a celebration."

Upon hearing this suggestion, Jiang Dao turned around, his eyes bright.

Chu Yinlong immediately swallowed the words "What's the big meal and order a box lunch?" in his throat, and the expression on his face was flawless: "Okay."

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