Chapter 75

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"Why can't you cry?"

Mu Zhixing looked at Jiang Dao with a harsh tone.

"I know you have memorized all your lines. Every time we meet, I have also read your character analysis, and you have written it well. You have also analyzed the plot here very well... Since you have analyzed everything well, how could it be possible? Can't you cry?"

Jiang Dao was silent and did not answer.

"I can see that you are working hard and have put a lot of effort into this drama and made a lot of preparations." Mu Zhixing said, "But it's not enough. Since you know that you can't cry, why haven't you taken any action in the past few months? Intensive training for crying scenes? Why didn't you ask me for help when we met several times before? You and Xiao Chu... have such a good relationship, why didn't you ask him to help you? "

Besides, Chu Yinlong was about to say something. Mu Zhixing gave him a look.

So Chu Yinlong understood that Director Mu would probably say some harsh words on purpose to try to make Jiang Dao cry.

"I know you are not from a major, but since you know your shortcomings, why don't you focus on training? Yes, you are my favorite, and I was the one who forced you to play this role, but since you agreed, you also said If you want to do your best, you should do everything you can!"

"Acting is not that simple. Crying scenes are the most difficult, not because crying scenes are difficult to perform, but because actors need to be able to cry at any time. I tear open the pain in my heart with my own hands time and time again, drawing emotions from the unforgettable experiences.

"You can't cry because you don't dare to tear up your own wounds!"

Jiang Dao still sat there, eyes lowered. Eyelashes, silent.

The pastoral director paused and then emphasized: "Have you never cried in your life? Think about it now and recall the saddest time you cried. What was the reason for it? Now think about it, are you still sad? ? Feeling aggrieved? "

The saddest time you cried?

Did his father cut the rope with his own hands and fall into the abyss in order to protect him and his mother?

Was it his mother lying next to him unconsciously, growing cold on that rainy night?

Was it that he was falsely accused and punished when he was nine years old, and was whipped with blood all over his body?

Was it when he was ten years old, seeing his friend who was also a slave soldier dying, that he cried and asked the slave owner for medicine but could not get it?

Jiang Dao clenched his fingers lightly, but there was no sadness or joy in his eyes.

Even thinking of those things, he couldn't cry now.

It was obviously impossible for Mu Zhixing to know what Jiang Dao had experienced.

"Have you never encountered anything that made you feel sad, wronged, unfair, hopeless and helpless?" He looked at the expressionless Jiang Dao and felt helpless. "Actor is a profession that requires you to be cruel to yourself. No matter how painful it is, you still have to recall, uncover your wounds, and dig out all the sadness, grievance, and helplessness in your heart at that time!"

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