Chapter 97

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Although he was messing around a bit at night, Jiang Dao was still very serious and dedicated on the set.

Soon, the filming of the scenes in the Gobi Desert was completed, and we had to start shooting the fights. Because of Ejima's shoulder injury, the martial arts scenes originally planned to be filmed first were switched with the scenes later. However, the exterior scenes were mainly about fighting scenes, and it really couldn't be done. Continued postponement.

The medical staff tied a brace on Edao's shoulder, and Edao went into battle despite his injuries.

There are no short shots in location fights. They are basically long shots and complex actions that need to be adapted to local conditions and make use of the surrounding terrain. Although the sprain on Edao's shoulder no longer hurts too much, the injury still hurts a little after a full day of high-intensity fighting.

Watching the doctors and nurses giving Jiang Dao massage and massage, and then thinking about the next shooting plan, Chu Yinlong suggested: "How about using a stand-in." All

the scenes that did not require Jiang Dao to appear have been moved forward, and the remaining Jiang Dao will appear later. They all have to appear in the camera. Some of the faceless backs and distant views where the face cannot be seen can actually be replaced by a stand-in, but some other techniques need to be used in the photography, and the angles of some storyboards may need to be changed.

Jiang Dao shook his head: "It's not necessary. I know my own body well. If I really can't shoot, I will ask you to take a day off."

Chu Yinlong frowned: "But you..."

"I'm fine." Jiang Dao Dao glanced at Chu Yinlong, "Director Mu said you had a rib fracture once, and you went back to the set to shoot an action scene before you were fully recovered. The pain was so painful that you broke into a cold sweat. You had to touch up your makeup every time you shot a scene. Why don't you want to use a stand-in?" ?"

Every time Jiang Dao mentioned the things he had done before, Chu Yinlong was speechless.

Who knows that he used to be crazy, but now he meets a little lunatic, and he can't even stand up to educate people.

There was no way, Jiang Dao insisted, and Chu Yinlong could only let him continue filming.

Otherwise, if we really push it back, there are rental restrictions on the studio and seasonal restrictions on the location, so we have to push back every step, and it is possible that the team will be dispersed... It's not the studio. Unable to bear the loss, it is indeed not Chu Yinlong's style to shut down the entire team just for a minor injury like a sprain.

Edao is his lover, and of course he feels distressed, but everyone in the crew is working hard for this work, and he cannot let most people down.

At night, Chu Yinlong held the sleeping Jiang Dao in his arms and gently stroked the belt wrapped around the older boy's shoulders, unable to sleep for a long time.


Two weeks later, all the shots of the Gobi exteriors were finally shot.

The next scenes were all shot in the studio. Seasons and time were not so stuck, and there was much more room for maneuver.

Chu Yinlong gave the crew a day off, then personally took Jiang Dao back to Yan City and went to Dr. Mu's private hospital.

After the diagnosis, Chu Yinlong breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the nursing care suggestions given by Dr. Mu.

"Look, I said it's no problem, right?" Jiang Dao smiled, "But I still have to advance the filming and follow the physical therapy plan given by Dr. Mu. I will be able to shoot the fight scene in a month, so there shouldn't be any delays."

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