Chapter 100

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After the live interview program ended, speculation about the relationship between Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao became a hot topic on almost all entertainment platforms.

This time, not only the CP fans of Dragon Island are eating sugar, but also a number of marketing accounts have begun to dig archeology, starting from the first program the two collaborated on, "Come on, the rice cook!" "Starting from the beginning, I have been digging through the Weibo posts recently posted by the two people, and I have dug out almost all the content that can be found for research.

However, there will never be a shortage of topics in the entertainment industry.

In August, as "Auroville" officially ended its screenings, discussions about the relationship between Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao gradually subsided and disappeared from public view again.

Then, in September, Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao were in the same frame again, participating in a charity variety show as flying guests. In the variety show, the two cooperated very well, and their interactions were casual and natural, which once again aroused discussion.

In October, Jiang Dao rarely opened Weibo and posted a short video of him and Bullet playing a game on an obstacle course. Less than two minutes after the video was posted, someone discovered a photo Chu Yinlong had posted and confirmed that the obstacle course was located in Chu Yinlong's private villa.

Under such wave after wave of information, the relationship between Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao gradually became the tacit answer among everyone.

"Sisters, think about it, with Father Long's temper, if he and Ejima were really just friends, would he not say anything? Would he let those ambiguous speculations exist? I don't think so. Don't forget Long How did Dad fight back when he was dragged into scandals [doge]"

"Reply: Indeed. Look at Dad Long's active interaction with Xiaodao on Weibo, then look at his interactions with other artists, and recently I really feel that the eye contact between the two people in that interview is no different from that in public! [Crying]"

"Reply: The atmosphere between them, really, unless one day they tell me that they are brothers, Otherwise, I think this is love!"

"Ah? Will anyone still doubt it now? Haven't they already admitted that they are together?"

"Reply: Although, they have really not admitted it personally [doge]"

"Reply : It looks so much like you secretly falling in love behind your teachers and parents' back [funny]"

"There's still one month left before Father Long's birthday, let me see if I can wait until it's made public! [doge]"

"Reply: Let's wait together!"

"Reply: Just ask @江岛 what birthday gift you are going to give to Father Long, hahaha!

Soon, it will be November 11th again.

Early that morning, there was activity on Chu Yinlong's Weibo-this time, the birthday gift he posted almost instantly ignited the entire entertainment industry.

"A gift from @江岛. This kid is too naughty and needs to be cleaned up. [Picture]"

The picture shows a high-end silk tie, with the brand logo hidden as usual. However, what is unique is that in the middle of the hem of this light silver-gray tie, there is a bright red lip print, and there is a note next to it: Happy second anniversary of your first kiss!

On Weibo, Jiang Dao replied instantly: "Do you like it?"

Chu Yinlong did not reply, but gave a like.

After that, the entire comment section was devastated:

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