Chapter 86

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After being trained by Chu Yinlong, Yi Bailu finally became obedient, no longer afraid of heights, and was able to follow the training with gritted teeth. He also regained his previous respect for Chu Yinlong and did not dare to call him out again.

During the free time after dinner that day, Jiang Dao finally found a chance to be alone with Chu Yinlong.

He smiled and talked about what happened during the afternoon training, and deliberately teased: "Teacher Chu is still so cruel to people. The older girl likes you, but you don't show mercy at all?"

Chu Yinlong raised his hand and flicked Jiang Dao's forehead. After a while: "You still hope that I will show mercy to you?"

Jiang Dao chuckled and said: "I just like to see Teacher Chu's fierce look."

Chu Yinlong laughed: "You are the only one who dared to choke me and talk to me when we first met. I'll fight..."

Jiang Dao leaned into his ear and lowered his voice: "I dare to seduce you."

There was no one else in the tent at the moment. The other four went to play cards with the female guests. Chu Yinlong looked around. At a glance, he heard the sound of playing cards in the open space outside and the fighting was fierce. It was estimated that no one would come back for the time being, so he turned around and pinched Jiang Dao's chin, and kissed him hard on the lips.

He didn't dare to kiss for too long, as the two of them were separated at the first touch.

Jiang Dao chased and swiped Chu Yinlong's lips with the tip of his tongue, then stepped away slightly, looked at Chu Yinlong and smiled: "Teacher Chu is also bad at it. During the recording of the variety show, he secretly kissed a male artist." Chu

Yin Long squinted his eyes, looked at Jiang Dao, and smiled without saying a word.

Jiang Dao raised his eyebrows: "Hey, do you still remember the small forest next to the tactical training ground? I think it's quite hidden there. No one will be there at night. How about we go there for a field battle tonight? Huh?"

Chu Yinlong: ...

"What are you thinking about?" Chu Yinlong was angry and funny, "This is a serious military camp, not a military training base. There are patrols at night. If you go to the playground for a night run, you have to ask the instructor to take you with you. What else do you want? Go to the tactical training ground at night? "

Jiang Dao approached mysteriously: "If I can avoid the patrol, would you dare?"

Chu Yinlong said helplessly, "Don't be ridiculous, be good."

Jiang Dao. Dao glanced down and smiled evilly: "Let me be good? I think your little brother seems to be very naughty. What is Teacher Chu imagining?"

"Tsk!" Chu Yinlong held Jiang Dao down and attacked the restricted area. He held his hand and lowered his voice, "We'll see how I deal with you after the recording is over!"

Jiang Dao was still grinning, but when he suddenly heard something, his face suddenly softened, and he suddenly pulled his arm out of Chu Yinlong's hand.

The next second, the instructor appeared at the door of the camp and asked with a smile: "Are you two still training tonight?"

Chu Yinlong raised his hand and glanced at the watch. It was almost the evening training time for the soldiers, nodded and said: "Follow me. , get ready."

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