Chapter 26

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It rained heavily all day in the mountains. After the lunch break, the guests played a few small games in the house and spent a very leisurely day.

The next morning, after breakfast, Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong left Taoyuanju, returned to town, met up with their assistant, and headed to the airport together.

Their flights took off at about the same time. Before boarding, Chu Yinlong looked at Jiangdao and hesitated to speak. In the end, he didn't say anything. He lowered his head and silently opened his phone, not knowing who he was sending messages to.

Suddenly being alone, Edao didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Following the precautions he had taken on several trips, he avoided the crowds and boarded the plane through the VIP channel. He found his seat according to the seat number without taking off his sunglasses. He settled into the spacious business class seat and began to take a nap.

An hour and a half later, the plane landed smoothly and arrived in Linshi.

There was no bridge on this flight. Jiang Dao boarded the VIP shuttle bus with other passengers in the business class and stood in the corner with a calm demeanor, as if he had disappeared, not attracting any attention.

Until he walked out of the passage and found Zhu Yao waiting not far away. Zhu Yao looked at him with a shocked expression: "Why are you like this?" Jiang Dao pulled off some of his sunglasses and looked at Zhu Yao from the top edge

: "What's it like?"

Zhu Yao frowned: "The clothes are wrinkled like this... why don't you take care of your hair? Tsk, you haven't shaved your beard. You lost your razor?"

Jiang Dao smiled and replied: "I didn't lose it. I woke up in the morning. It's late. I'm in a hurry to catch a flight

, so I didn't bother." Zhu Yao sighed, with a look of exhaustion on his face: "Go to the bathroom, shave, comb your hair, and change clothes. Don't ignore this audition, Li Cheng is quite good at choosing actors. , don't think that just because you are good-looking, you will definitely be chosen... Why do I think you have gained weight again? Have you weighed yourself in the past two days?"

Jiang Dao stretched out: "Don't worry, you won't get fat... But Sister Haitang's cooking is so delicious, I can eat three bowls of rice every day!"

Zhu Yao choked and held his chest for a long time, unable to recover.

Jiang Dao was happy: "I lied to you, there isn't that much food for me to eat over there."

Before Zhu Yao could breathe a sigh of relief, Jiang Dao added: "But the noodles are enough, I've still eaten three bowls. "

Zhu Yao: ...

Following the instructions, Jiang Dao went to the bathroom to shave, comb his hair casually, and put on a smooth and clean shirt. When he got into Zhu Yao's rented car, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "Do you know Li Cheng?" "A

very young director. Most of his directings are web dramas, but there are also two that have become stars. Movie." Zhu Yao said casually while driving, "He had works with good ratings the year before last and the year before last. This time "The Peach Demon" has the same author as last year's original work. The company is very optimistic about it, and I also I think it's quite promising..."

"That's not what I mean," Jiang Dao interrupted, "I mean, what does he like and dislike, and does he have any hobbies?"

Zhu Yao glanced at Jiang Dao.

"Are you still paying attention to these things?" He raised his hand and pushed up his glasses. "I thought you had made up your mind to quit the industry and didn't want this opportunity. Why do you still care about the director's preferences?" Judging from Zhu Yao's expression, he

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