Chapter 49

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Two days later, Jiang Dao arrived at the small southern country, Country M, with the crew of "Operation Red Owl".

The crew contacted the place where they would stay temporarily, which were two villa hotels not far from the filming location. The villa is a bit old, with mottled walls and a faint musty smell. Fortunately, the air conditioner can still work, so it won't make everyone's stay too uncomfortable.

"But the room is not enough for one person." The crew's logistics staff apologized, "Well, we simply divided it up. Here is the form. If anyone needs to change, you can discuss it yourself and then come to me to report it."

The makeup artist pulled The sisters in costumes came to the logistics side and lowered their voices and asked: "Is it arranged?"

The logistics girl looked at the form and said calmly: "It's arranged."

Then they looked at each other and smiled, understanding each other, and the corners of their eyes couldn't help but smile. Floating in the direction of Jiangdao and Chu Yinlong.

Jiangdao raised his hand and scratched his neck, frowned and glanced over, blinking at the girls who were secretly poking at them for not knowing what they were planning.

Then, he heard Chu Yinlong's voice: "Xiaodao, come with me and live in the master bedroom upstairs."

Then a key was handed over.

Edao hesitated.

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment, then asked, "Don't you want to live with me?"

"How could that happen?" Jiang Dao smiled and took the key, "I'm just a little surprised. I thought I would arrange for you to live with Teacher Yao."

After thinking about it , , according to past habits, it is indeed reasonable to arrange it that way.

Chu Yinlong frowned slightly and looked at the logistics manager of the crew.

The logistics girl calmly continued to distribute the keys. Behind her, the makeup artist and costume stylist tightened their expressions, hunched their shoulders, and their eyes wandered around, but they did not dare to look directly at Chu Yinlong.

After finding the "culprit", Chu Yinlong snorted softly from his nose. He didn't lose his temper on the spot. Instead, he turned around and led Jiang Dao upstairs to the master bedroom.

After everyone's rooms were assigned, the makeup artist took the clothing stylist and the logistics girl back to their shared room. The three girls could not help but scream in low voices and hugged each other.

Makeup artist: "Sister, you are so brave! How dare you arrange the room like this!"

The logistics girl calmly pushed up her glasses: "I can be scolded by Father Long like a dog, but the CP I consume must be arranged."

At this time, I was "arranged " " Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong walked into the master bedroom of the villa and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time - fortunately, this villa was originally a hotel, so there were two beds in the master bedroom.

Although the two of them had squeezed into the same bed when filming Taoyuan, Jiang Dao had become a little worried since he learned about Chu Yinlong's orientation. It wasn't that he was afraid of what Chu Yinlong would do to him, but that sleeping in the same bed would cause trouble to Chu Yinlong.

As for Chu Yinlong, the reason for heaving a sigh of relief was... he was really afraid that he couldn't help it.

Before he realized it, it was okay to sleep in the same bed, but now he realized what he was thinking and "knew" that Edao liked him, and it was inevitable that he would have thoughts no matter how close he was. If one day he loses control, he may really drag Jiang Dao into the whirlpool of love in the entertainment industry.

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