Chapter 57

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The next day, an island somewhere in country M.

Chu Yinlong was sitting in the co-pilot of the all-terrain vehicle, holding the frame tightly with one hand and squeezing Jiang Dao's shoulder on the driver's seat with the other hand: "Slow down, slow down! Drive slower! I - what a fool! Didn't you see it?! Slow down - Shit!"

Jiang Dao turned the steering wheel half a circle, and the all-terrain vehicle jumped up from the hillside at a very strong angle, jumped over a mud pit, and hit the ground, causing the wheels to slide twice. The car's tail swung and then scurried forward.

After running a full circle and returning to the starting point, the playground staff came forward excitedly and congratulated Jiangdao for breaking the park's all-terrain vehicle driving record.

Jiang Dao didn't understand and didn't care. He raised his hand to unbuckle his cross seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car. His feet went weak and he almost fell to his knees.

He held the car door, laughed and sat down cross-legged. He turned to look at Chu Yinlong: "I have been bumping for too long, and I feel shaking when I step on the ground... How are you?"

Chu Yinlong was naturally shaken. .

But he was very experienced and did not get out of the car at all. He sat in the passenger seat and looked up at the sky.

He had also driven an all-terrain vehicle during filming before, and he had also ridden on an all-terrain vehicle driven by a stunt driver, but he had never been as crazy as Edao.

What does "crazy testing on the verge of overturning" mean? Jiangdao is it!

After regaining his composure, Jiang Dao stood up and followed Chu Yinlong to receive the badge for the all-terrain vehicle project. He happily looked at the three stamps stamped side by side on his arm.

"It's nice to be in a place where no one knows me." Jiang Dao took out his backpack from the locker and raised his hand to put a straw hat on his head. "If I go back to my country, it would be too difficult to have such a relaxing time... Oh, but... Why don't they even know you?"

Chu Yinlong put on his sunglasses and said with a smile: "Internationally, I am far less famous than the two seniors. After all, I have not played a leading role in a jointly produced blockbuster, and the award is this year. I just got it."

After saying that, he thought again and added: "And the people's attitude towards celebrities in this country is different from that in China. They may recognize it, but most of them will keep their distance rationally and not too much. Pay attention to the private lives of celebrities."

"Well, that's great." Jiang Dao nodded in agreement.

After passing a stall, his eyes lit up. He dragged Chu Yinlong forward and asked for a translator: "I want to try this! What are the flavors?"

Chu Yinlong's foreign language is not very good, but at least he can He explained clearly and quickly helped Jiang Dao choose a rainbow smoothie. When he handed it over, he didn't forget to tell him: "Don't be too greedy for cold drinks, it's not good for your stomach."

Jiang Dao took a deep sip of the smoothie and replied, "Okay, Dad Long."

Chu Yinlong: ...

the two of them will follow the instructions carefully. When we walked side by side to the beach from the terrain vehicle field, Edao's whole glass of smoothie bottomed out.

Then, his eyes were attracted by two paragliders flying above the water.

"That one looks so exciting!" He stuffed the empty cup into the trash can, turned around and patted Chu Yinlong's arm, "Let's go play that one!"

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