Chapter 22

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A girl in love...? !

Jiang Dao held the card and froze on the spot.

Not to mention that this card requires him to play the role of a female character. He has never experienced this state of "passionate love"... or even seen it with his own eyes.

In the apocalyptic wasteland outside the book, no one, male or female, has the time or opportunity to fall in love slowly. When they meet someone they like, they will go to bed after two or three contacts at most - after all, no one knows whether disasters and wars will happen. The meeting will suddenly break out in the next second, and no one can predict how long the companionship will last.

Even Edao's parents usually spend less time together and stay apart more often. Whenever they meet, they usually go straight to the topic...

Therefore, Edao's impression of "passionate love", except for the description when he read this novel, almost all the rest are from this month. Come on, I got it from the movies I watched and the plays I listened to at night.

Moreover, he felt that it was a state that he could not understand at all.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and perform." Qi Peng urged with a smile.

"...Oh." Jiang Dao put the card on the table and stepped forward hesitantly.

How do you act in those movies?

Being in love, um... being in love should be a very happy state, so you will laugh all the time, right? Oh, yes, love requires a partner, so you have to pretend to have a non-existent lover by your side and express it with your eyes...and girls, girls...wearing skirts? long hair?

...How to act like this? !

Jiang Dao was speechless and choked.

Off the court, Cheng Zhiyi irresponsibly began to guess: "A very troubled man!"

Jiang Dao thought to himself: It's me, that's right. But it's not my role.

Seeing Jiang Dao lifting up his skirt and combing his hair, Cheng Zhiyi slapped the table: "It's the first time for a man to wear women's clothing!"

Jiang Dao: ...

An Zhe is a good boy, so he quickly interrupted: "He is performing, that should be I'm playing a woman."

Finally, he hesitated and guessed: "Is she... a woman who is struggling?"

Well, this was already wrong twice.

Jiang Dao patted his forehead and spread his hands to everyone: "I don't think I can perform this."

"What?" Mu Zhixing asked with a smile, "You're giving up now?"

"Well, there's no way." Jiang Dao smiled bitterly, "I really You can't play this."

"If you give up, you will be at the bottom this time." Director Mu reminded with a smile.

"I know, I accept the punishment." Jiang Dao was helpless. Take the punishment, it's just a game of truth or dare, there's nothing unacceptable.

Seeing that Jiang Dao really couldn't act, Qi Peng became curious and reached out to open the card on the table.

"Good guy," he immediately became happy after seeing the words on the card clearly, "A girl in love! Xiaodao, are you not going to cheat, or have you never been in love?"

Chu Yinlong glanced at the card, his eyes Moving towards Jiangdao, there was a smile in his eyes.

Jiang Dao threw himself down on the table, picked up the small fork for eating watermelon, and scratched the empty plate twice: "I don't know how to cheat, and I have never been in love... I won't lose this round."

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