Chapter 66

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An apartment building is no better than a single-family villa. Even though it is a high-end community with one apartment per floor, there is no guarantee that neighbors going up and downstairs will find out that a celebrity lives here.

So, without hesitation, Jiang Dao stretched out his hand and pulled Chu Yinlong into the room.

There were no lights on in the house, and a little light from the street lamp filtered through the curtains in the living room. The two stood in the small entrance hall, close enough to hear each other's breathing.

For some reason, Jiang Dao suddenly had the urge to hug Chu Yinlong.

This idea seemed to have no reason, but the situation was not unexpected at all, so he obeyed his sudden impulse without thinking too much, took half a step forward, hugged Chu Yinlong's body, and gently pressed his face against hers. His shoulders.

Chu Yinlong froze immediately.

This hug was short because - Chu Yinlong's body was too cold.

Jiang Dao let go of his hand and frowned: "It's getting colder today. Why did you come here in the middle of the night? Is it cold?"

Chu Yinlong's voice was hoarse: "'s not cold anymore."

Jiang Dao turned on the soft wall lamp in the restaurant. He took a cup of hot water and handed it to Chu Yinlong: "There is only white water here, you can make do with it."

Chu Yinlong took the water cup and put it on the dining table: "Stop being busy, go back to the bed and lie down."

Jiang Dao only wore He was wearing a thin pair of pajamas, and the heating in the room hadn't started yet. It was the coldest time of the year, and he had just come out of the warm bed. He would easily catch a cold if he stayed outside for a long time.

Recalling that this apartment was Chu Yinlong's house, he should be familiar with it. Jiang Dao nodded, returned to the bedroom obediently, wrapped himself in the quilt, and raised his hand to turn on the bedside lamp.

The warmth in the quilt hadn't dissipated yet. He breathed a sigh of relief and wrapped himself until only his head was exposed. He looked at Chu Yinlong who had finished drinking the hot water and entered the room. Then he suddenly realized a problem: "You are going to do it tonight too." Sleeping here?"

"Yes." Chu Yinlong looked calm, opened the closet and took out a set of pajamas.

"Oh, okay." Jiang Dao turned over, moved the pillow to one side of the bed, and then moved over with the quilt in his arms to make room for half the bed.

Seeing Jiang Dao's action, Chu Yinlong was stunned for a moment.

His Adam's apple rolled and his eyes turned around. Then he retracted his hand that was about to get the portable sleeping bag, moved it aside, pulled out the neatly packed pillows and quilts, and placed them at the foot of the bed.

Watching Chu Yinlong finish the relatively noisy preparations, Jiang Dao nestled in the quilt and yawned.

After changing clothes, washing up, and burning incense, Chu Yinlong sat cross-legged at the end of the bed and began to recite clear Sanskrit sounds.

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