Chapter 62

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Jiang Dao doesn't care about the comments about him on the Internet at all. Even if he knows that the rumors are fiercer than tigers, he can still remain unmoved. Because he doesn't need to live by the pursuit of those people. Living in this world is too easy for him.

But...Qin Xiao's last words actually made Jiang Dao a little scared.

For no reason, a subtle panic arose in his heart, and tremors instantly poured into his limbs, making him suddenly remember that sunny afternoon when he woke up faintly on the battlefield, and there was silence in his ears, and he lost everything around him. Comrades.

...So, this time, he is going to lose something important again?

Qin Xiao was still saying something on the phone with a sneer, but Jiang Dao no longer wanted to hear it.

He cut off the communication without hesitation. His fingers were trembling slightly, but he still called up Chu Yinlong's number and called him.

The other side picked up almost immediately.

Jiang Dao was suddenly speechless.

What should he say?

Explain that you didn't bribe the director?

But that thing... was most likely really done by "him", and it was a crime he had to bear for the original owner.

For a long time, neither person spoke on the phone.

Even the two of them breathed very lightly, as if a little force would break something precious and fragile between them.

Finally, Jiang Dao whispered: "...Teacher Chu."

Chu Yinlong asked: "Is it true?"

Jiang Dao couldn't answer.

But his silence itself was already the answer.

After a moment of silence, Chu Yinlong said: "I understand. There is one more thing, please tell the truth."

Jiang Dao: "You ask."

Chu Yinlong: "Did he really return the money to you?"

Jiang Dao said. But I can be sure: "No."

Chu Yinlong slowly exhaled and said, "I will find someone to handle this matter. You stay in the apartment, don't go out for the next two days, and don't go to the studio."

Jiang Dao: "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yinlong hung up the phone.

Jiang Dao sat down by the bed, the panic in his heart still showing no signs of easing.

The sky outside the window was getting dark, and he didn't turn on the light. He just sat motionless in the darkness of the room, his eyelashes lowered, showing no sadness or joy.

Until someone suddenly knocked on the door, assistant Xiao Yang's voice sounded: "Are you at home? I brought you food, and I opened the door."

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