Chapter 24

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Jiang Dao stood up, walked to the door and stood side by side with Chu Yinlong.

"I don't want to go to the audition, but I can't refuse the job arranged by the company." His face returned to his usual lazy look, with a smile on his lips, "But you also know that I am not someone to be bullied. If he really dares... Ha, I still don't know who is unlucky."

Having said that, Chu Yinlong also understood that Jiang Dao was not someone who would do anything to get a position, and he was not helpless. But there was still an inexplicable irritability burning in his heart that he couldn't suppress.

"If you need it, I can give you an excuse to refuse the audition." Finally, Chu Yinlong suggested, "I have a movie in the pipeline recently, and I can give you a role, and I can use the schedule conflict to reject the web drama. ."

Hearing this, Jiang Dao raised his eyebrows and squinted at him: "Why do I think you are taking advantage of others' danger?"

Chu Yinlong was helpless: "Am I such a villain in your eyes?"

Jiang Dao shrugged: "Who? You know..."

Chu Yinlong sighed and made no comment.

The two stood side by side at the door watching the rain for a while, then saw the door of the main room next to them open.

Qi Peng stood under the eaves and waved over: "Are you awake? Get ready to gather in the main room. The director and others will come up later."

After several guests took turns to wash up and had a simple breakfast, the director team Also went up the mountain.

Due to weather restrictions, only one close-up cameraman, one assistant, and the program director came to shoot the daily routine this time. Most of the footage required for editing will probably be done via cameras installed in the house.

"Jiang Dao, your mobile phone." The assistant who followed him returned Jiang Dao's mobile phone, "Don't worry, our own staff repaired it, and the information security is guaranteed... Oh, your agent came to see you this morning and asked you to give it to him. He'll call back."

"Thank you." Jiang Dao took the phone, said hello to Qi Peng, went out and hid under the eaves, and called Zhu Yao back.

On the phone, Zhu Yao got straight to the point: "The company has recently received two web drama scripts, one of which is very suitable for you. I have communicated with Chu Yinlong's assistant and helped you book a flight to Linshi. I will be there tomorrow. I'll pick you up and go to the audition."

This is indeed the news.

Jiang Dao lowered his eyelashes and said "hmm" in a low voice.

"I took a look at the script and found that the villain in it is very suitable for you, so I helped you get the opportunity to audition." Zhu Yao thought Jiang Dao had doubts and explained, "Although he is not the leading male and the second leading actor, this villain can still be considered good. Charming, don't resist."

"The villain doesn't matter." Jiangdao planned to confirm and asked, "What type of film? What's the name? Who is the director?"

Zhu Yao's tone remained calm: "It's a costume idol drama, based on the novel " It is adapted from "The Peach Demon", and if nothing else, the director is Li Cheng."

It's Li Cheng.

Chu Yinlong didn't lie to him.

Jiang Dao slowly exhaled, muttered a few perfunctory words to Zhu Yao, and hung up the phone.

Returning to the main room, he saw that the tables and chairs in the main hall had been moved away, leaving an open space.

No matter what trouble his manager brought him, he was currently recording a variety show and couldn't bring his personal emotions into it. Regardless of whether the audition was a dragon's den or a tiger's den, he had to finish today's work well first.

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