Chapter 64

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Qin Xiao struggled to wake up from his nightmare, staring at the ceiling of the ward with blood-red eyes.

An indifferent voice came from the side: "Master, you're awake."

Qin Xiao sat up suddenly, stared at the person for a while, and asked hoarsely: "...Where is my dad?"

The man said calmly: "Master said, You have disappointed him so much. If you can't even control the child born by an actor, he can't trust you to hand over Tianqin Capital."

Qin Xiao stared at the person in front of him with a dark face and gritted his teeth: "It was just a mistake. That's all, I'll let him-"

As he spoke, he felt a slight tightening in his neck, and subconsciously raised his hand to give it a tug.

A jade-carved pendant was pulled off suddenly by him, the cord broke, and the pendant fell into his palm.

Staring at the pendant in his hand, Qin Xiao felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

His eyes almost popped out, his breathing became more rapid, and his fingers couldn't help twitching.

The man standing by the window called lightly: "Master?"

Qin Xiao suddenly jumped up, raised his hand and smashed the pendant on the ground.

The jade pendant fell apart, and he screamed: "Madman! That's a madman--! No, no, no, no, he is not Jiang Dao at all, he is a devil... He will kill me... He will kill me! Chen Si, tell my dad, tell my dad! That Jiang Dao is the devil, he is possessed by the devil!"

Chen Si stepped forward and rang the call bell: "Excuse me, we need sedatives here. "


To this day, Jiang Dao stayed at Chu Yinlong's house.

His car was taken back from the hot spring hotel by his assistant, who also brought him a few changes of clothes from the apartment. Chu Yinlong suggested that Jiang Dao temporarily live in the villa. This community has a high security level and is safer. Wait. After finishing the whole thing and making sure there are no worries, send him back to the apartment.

Edao didn't care, he could live anywhere, anyway, all he needed was a place to sleep.

Putting on the clothes brought by his assistant, Jiang Dao took the black clothes he wore last night to wash. When he touched his pocket, he remembered that his mobile phone had been turned off for a day and he hadn't turned it on yet... I don't know if anyone has Find him.

The moment the phone was turned on, as expected, Jiang Dao was bombarded with messages from Jing Yu and Zhou Wei again.

More than a dozen messages from Jingyu came to nothing, and I couldn't get through when I called him. I was worried all night and thought he was out of his mind to commit suicide. I was already planning to call the police when the 24 hours were up.

Zhou Wei was not much better than Jing Yu. The messages were filled with anxiety, and there was no trace of anger or awkwardness at all. The last few messages he sent even contained a cry.

After answering the phone and comforting the two children, Jiang Dao felt even more tired than when he was sneaking around all night yesterday.

[BL] After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase | ✓Where stories live. Discover now