Chapter 95

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February 9th, New Year's Eve.

This year, Chu Yinlong declined all invitations during the Spring Festival and took Jiang Dao back to Xiang's house.

Although Jiang Dao had already met Xiang Yuancheng and Lu Xiaorong, this meeting was truly a meeting with his parents. It also coincides with the Chinese New Year, so the meaning is even more complicated.

Lu Zhengrong also came with a pair of children, the old lady of the Lu family and her husband who had just finished the isolation experiment. Together with Xiang Junru, it was a rare reunion for the family.

Jiang Dao was not easily nervous, so he greeted several parents generously and met Chu Yinlong's cousins.

Because of the mess that the Qin family had caused before, everyone knew his origins. When Tian Qin Capital was liquidating, Xiang Yuancheng was still behind the scenes to help Jiang Dao, so no one asked Jiang Dao much. When it comes to family matters, I only talk to him about work progress.

After chatting with his family, Jiangdao found out that Lu Zhengrong's husband Liu Wenxi actually studied nuclear fusion. He sounded like he was incompatible with the family, but he was actually very respected.

The old lady of the Lu family is a fashionable and open-minded old man. Apart from being very concerned about when Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong will get married, she has no objection to their relationship.

"Xiao Jiang, I'm old too, and I'm just looking forward to seeing my grandchildren get married and have families. You should hurry up and get things done to make me happy!" The old lady took Jiang Dao's hand and said with a smile, "I don't know what these three poor children in my family are thinking. They are all too old and have no friends. I think there is no hope..."

My cousin raised his head from the tablet and pushed up his glasses: "Grandma, you They also arranged a blind date for me, but I don't see anyone for a month or two when I'm working on a project. It's better not to delay other girls."

The old lady glared at him: "I work on projects every day, and I haven't seen you bring back a female colleague. !"

His cousin said calmly: "...There are only two girls in our research institute, and they are both married. Their children are about to go to elementary school. Where can I bring my female colleagues back from?"

Seeing his sister gloating next to him, he hurriedly The topic was changed: "There are so many men in their construction company, but she has never brought back a boyfriend."

The cousin suddenly became angry, raised his hands and rolled up his sleeves: "Come here, I want to fight with you!"

The cousin seconds He said timidly: "My hand has to hold the dropper. It's different from your hand carrying cement. You have the ability to fight with your cousin!"

After a few words, the two of them started to choke again. It didn't look like An outstanding young man in his twenties is like a three-year-old child who has not grown up.

Jiang Dao quietly asked Chu Yinlong: "I thought your brothers and sisters would all have something to do with the entertainment and fashion circles. Why do you hear that they both went to other industries?"

Chu Yinlong smiled and said: "Because when I was a child When I was acting, I was watched by my aunt. I got up at 5:30 every day to practice kung fu. When I got home from school, I had to practice my lines. I didn't eat much greasy and spicy food. I had to practice kung fu again every night before going to bed. When I got my teeth replaced, I had to wear dental braces. Braces... They were afraid and decided not to enter the film and television industry, determined to become scientists."

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