Extra 2

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My name is Bullet, and I am a Malinois according to my previous owner.

I experienced war when I was very young. The noise was loud and the smell of smoke was very choking. But I'm not afraid at all. I think this world is like this. People often die, and then some black energy emerges and haunts the people who killed them.

Later, after the First World War, I was taken away by a group of people to a place called the "Military Dog Training Base." It was then that I realized that there was such a place in this world, and that I still had to learn so many things before I could be sent to the battlefield like other people.

Many summers and winters passed, and I was injured in a battle. One of my eyes was no longer useful, and many of my bones were broken.

I was very afraid that I would be killed and eaten, because in my childhood memories, my companions who could no longer fight would be killed by those people.

However, the owners of the training base did not kill me. They healed my bones and stopped my eyes from bleeding. Although that eye can no longer see, they still love me as before, and will give me food and take me to play.

However, I could no longer accompany my master in the war. I became a useless Malinois.

I don't really like this kind of life. Although it's very comfortable and I can sleep whenever I want. I can also be lazy when I don't want to train without being punished... But I don't like it.

Until one day, two people came to the base.

I could see and smell that there was a lot of black energy wrapped around one of them, more than any other person I had ever seen.

I know that he must have killed many people, otherwise he would not have such a strong black energy.

In the base, the companions are all afraid of the black air.

Of course I will be afraid, but I know that they may need a companion, maybe they will go to war, maybe they will do something else.

I'm going to follow them and become a useful Malinois again.

The strange thing is that the person haunted by the black energy is not like those I have encountered before. He is not fierce at all, he smiles at me, and is very gentle when combing my hair.

I don't know why he has a black aura on him. He doesn't look like a murderer at all.

They took me away from the base and lived in a particularly gorgeous compound.

The man with the black aura on his body told me that he would be my father from now on, and the other tall man with the sweet smell on his body would be my mother.

Mom corrected Dad and said he was not my mother.

My father was not happy and said that my mother was not humble at all. He asked her to choose between "the mother who was the bullet" and "let him go to bed one time."

My mother finally chose to be my mother and said she would take care of my father at night.

How brave you are to dare to deal with someone who has so much evil in him.

However, although my father has a lot of black energy, he is really good to me.

He would cook meals for me, watch movies with me in his arms, bathe and comb me, and take me to the training ground in the yard to play.

One day, my father stewed a whole chicken specially for me. It was delicious and he carefully picked out the bones.

However, I ate all the chicken, and my father and mother could only cook the vegetable leaves in chicken soup. Mom looked a little unhappy. Dad said this was the diet prescribed by the bodybuilding coach and they couldn't eat meat for dinner.

[BL] After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase | ✓Where stories live. Discover now