Chapter 17

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Chu Yinlong stared at Jiang Dao for a while, and was about to get out of bed to wake him up when he saw Jiang Dao suddenly opened his eyes and stared straight at him.

At that moment, Jiang Dao's eyes were cold and sharp, like a sword drained of blood, overflowing with murderous intent.

However, after only a moment, Jiangdao yawned, stretched his limbs, and his whole body suddenly became as lazy as a cat.

"Morning..." Jiang Dao took off his headphones, turned off the web drama, and threw the pillow in his arms back on the bed.

"Why did you go to sleep on the chair?" Chu Yinlong asked, "It's too hot? Or did I squeeze you?" "

No." Jiang Dao smiled, "It's too quiet to fall asleep. I need to listen to something... The phone is out of battery. I can only come here."

Hearing this explanation, Chu Yinlong was surprised: "To this extent?"

Jiang Dao nodded: "Well, you have to listen to what people are saying. Music doesn't work. Movie inserts play It's been too long and no one will wake up if they speak."

Chu Yinlong shook his head speechlessly. Suddenly remembering something, he turned around and rummaged through his backpack, found a small box and threw it to Jiang Dao.

"You can use the Bluetooth headset first. Charge it during the day and it should be fine for one night."

Jiang Dao was not polite, took it in his hand, and said "thank you" to Chu Yinlong.

He actually had Bluetooth headphones, but whether it was due to quality issues or insufficient price, the battery life was only two hours, so he might as well plug them in, so he simply didn't bring them.

It was only early five in the morning, and it was already bright outside the window. The chirping of birds echoed in the forest, sometimes mixed with the crows of chickens and dogs from elsewhere in the mountain village.

Unable to sleep anyway, Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong simply got up. As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw Qi Peng coming out of the house.

"I'll go for a morning jog later, Xiao Chu?" Qi Peng said, picking up the dental bowl and heading to the bathroom.

"Okay." Chu Yinlong agreed, "Where to run?"

"Go down the mountain and circle the island twice, which is exactly ten kilometers." Qi Peng's voice came from the bathroom, "I have a GoPro here, I will bring it with me later and I will take pictures for you. A few shots."

After washing up, Qi Peng came out of the house with a GoPro, only to see Chu Yinlong waiting at the door of Taoyuanju.

"Xiao Dao also goes for a morning jog?" He looked at Jiang Dao with surprise on his face.

Jiangdao nodded: "At home, I run five kilometers every morning and five kilometers every night. I haven't tried running ten kilometers at a time. Try it...if it doesn't work, I will stop."

This body's heart and lungs can't hold it, so he still can't. I was a little unsure, so I didn't say too much.

"Okay, let's go." Qi Peng waved, and the three of them went down the mountain together.

Although the conditions on this island in the middle of the lake are a bit more difficult, we have to admit that the environment is indeed good. Even in the early morning of summer, there is no heat at all. The cool breeze brings slightly moist and fresh air, and the surrounding birdsong and human voices can be heard. Everything seems to be much clearer.

The three people from Jiangdao came to the shore of the lake at the foot of the mountain and started jogging along the compact and flat embankment road.

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