Chapter 92

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Early the next morning, around three o'clock in the afternoon in Yanshi, Chu Yinlong posted on Weibo.

The text content is very simple: "Practice skiing with @江岛 and prepare for the next movie."

The attached picture is a selfie of him and Jiang Dao at the ski resort. The two of them are fully equipped with scarves, hats, helmets and protective gear. Only the eyes enclosed in the helmet are exposed from above and below.

Watching Chu Yinlong finish posting, Jiang Dao asked with a smile: "I thought that with your personality, you couldn't help but post last night. Why are you so obedient and only posted today according to the requirements of the public relations?"

Chu Yinlong asked The mobile phone was put back in the inner pocket of the ski suit: "Since it is going to be a prelude to the public, how to control the rhythm, it is safer to listen to the public relations. Because of the time difference, if we posted last night, it would appear that we take this matter too seriously. On the contrary, It's not natural enough."

"Good guy, you're a charlatan." Jiangdao shook his head and no longer cared about this matter. He leaned over and buckled up his skis and snowshoes. "Let's go, I'm going to go up the intermediate slope today

! Jiang Dao didn't even take a look at what was going on in Boresou and CP Chaohua.

Ever since he climbed the intermediate slope and felt the excitement of speed brought by skiing, he didn't want to rest at all. He repeated the basic skills Chu Yinlong taught him over and over again, such as pushing the slope, falling leaves, changing edges and turning... He had no idea how much fun he had. tired.

From the beginning, he occasionally fell down, and then he was able to row the S line from the top of the slope all the way to the bottom. It only took Edao less than a day.

In the next few days, Edao became addicted to skiing, and his skills became more and more proficient. He quickly changed from the intermediate slope to the advanced slope, and his posture on the edge became more relaxed and beautiful.

But obviously, he was not satisfied.

"When can I dance tricks like Jaque?" Back at the bottom of the slope, Jiang Dao panted slightly, lifted up his helmet and asked Chu Yinlong, "Even if they are not filmed in the movie, I still want to learn it!"

In the script, Chu Although the characters of Yinlong and Jiangdao have a scene of chasing and escaping in the snowy mountains, it is obvious that they do not need any tricks. They can just be skilled in cutting. But Jaque showed off a trick in front of Jiang Dao before, which made Jiang Dao envious.

Chu Yinlong was helpless: "It's easy to get injured when playing tricks. It's okay for flat tricks. The somersaults and cartwheels you want to learn are too dangerous. Didn't you hear what Jaque said? He almost fell to death when he was learning tricks."

Jiang Dao sighed exaggeratedly: "You were seriously injured when you were filming the movie!"

Chu Yinlong was speechless.

He had no way of predicting that one day he would feel that working so hard to make a movie was not always a good thing.

However, Jiang Dao was not dissatisfied. Seeing that Chu Yinlong was really worried, he stopped insisting on committing suicide.

The world is so beautiful and love is so pleasurable. He hasn't enjoyed it enough yet. There is no need to risk his life to seek excitement.


The days of being addicted to skiing pass quickly, and November 11th of another year comes quietly.

Chu Yinlong's birthday also falls on a Saturday, and it is also the day when the penultimate episode of "Military Star Class" is broadcast. Whether it is Chu Yinlong's Super Episode or Dragon Island Super Episode, there is always joy and everyone is happy. I am guessing how their father Long will conduct birthday business this year.

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