Chapter 6

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"Well done!"

In the audience, Lu Yun was full of gloating, applauding and shouting: "Sure enough, Bai Lu cares about us more!"

Yi Bai Lu feigned anger and shouted loudly: "I care about you ghost!"

Tang Yao He also followed the joke: "I think you are the traitor who deliberately led them to lose. You can come to our table to eat in a while."

Yi Bailu wrinkled his nose and snorted: "You might fail in the first round. Let's win first and then talk!"

After a few words of bickering, the white team came on stage.

Tang Yao and Lu Yun have been regulars since the first season of The Rice Man, and they cooperate very well with each other. In addition, Zhou Wei is also an obedient boy. The three of them are about the same height and leg length. They have learned the lessons of the previous red team. So, once on the field, they get the gist of the challenge, shouting the beat and jumping over the rotating bar with the same foot in place.

Soon, the crossbar accelerated, and the three people from the white team crossed it without any danger, regained their rhythm, and their persistence time immediately surpassed that of the red team, confirming the victory of this challenge.

"Oh, I lost."

Off the court, Yi Bailu sighed.

He immediately laughed again: "But it doesn't matter, we won two dishes! And the sponsor's salted duck eggs are really delicious, and everyone's heart is flowing."

Jiangdao was actually a little disappointed when he couldn't taste the last delicacy. of.

But since the rules of the game are like this, if he really loses, he has no complaints. Anyway, he has memorized the name of this dish. At worst, he will buy it and try it himself after recording the show.

It's just that...he actually lost the battle for food, which made Edao a little unhappy.

Ever since he was little, he had fought over food, and this was the first time he lost!

Well, actually these challenges today are not fights.

If he really relies on fighting to win food, with his small body now, let alone Chu Yinlong, I am afraid that even Lu Yun can knock him over in a casual collision.

Jiang Dao lowered his head and pinched his bamboo pole-like thighs, with a look of disgust on his face.


Unsurprisingly, the white team won the third round of challenge and took away the last token that said "Take the Pot Dishes". For the red team that failed to win the game, Jiang Dao chose salted duck eggs at Chu Yinlong's suggestion.

"Eat, eat! I'm going to starve to death."

As soon as he finished selecting the dishes, Lu Yun ran towards the hotel lobby shouting.

"I can smell the aroma of the food!"

He took the lead, and the guests all joined in the fun and shouted hungry, rushing towards the hall. Finally, the director team shouted back with a loudspeaker, and re-recorded the scene of the group entering the restaurant, and then It took more than ten minutes.

When everyone finally saw the dishes, as Tang Yao said before, it was already past 1:30 in the afternoon.

After exchanging tokens for dishes, Jiang Dao, Chu Yinlong and Yi Bailu sat down at the dining table belonging to the red team. The staff quickly brought the dishes belonging to each team to the table, and placed a bowl of rice in front of everyone.

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