Chapter 54

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The disease in Jiangdao comes and goes quickly. He only stayed in the hospital for one night and his fever was gone the next morning.

Because the infected bacteria came from sewage and were not contagious, the doctor prescribed Jiangdao medicine for a week and quickly approved his discharge.

The person accompanying me in the hospital last night was assistant Xiao Yang and a nurse from the medical team.

It wasn't that Chu Yinlong didn't want to stay with Jiang Dao, but that Xiao Yang, the assistant director and the lead artist, worked together internally and externally, and with Jiang Dao's persuasion, finally forced Chu Yinlong to go back to the villa to rest.

Chu Yinlong didn't come to pick Jiang Dao up from the hospital that morning, but went to the set as planned. As the director and star of "Operation Red Owl", he cannot be too willful and shut down the entire crew for the sake of an actor who has finished filming.

Fortunately, Jiangdao actually didn't care.

He has long been accustomed to suffering alone, and he doesn't feel wronged. On the contrary, he thinks that staying overnight is a bit unnecessary - there is no shortage of medicines in this world, medical methods are more advanced, and there are professional doctors who are always on guard in single wards. The monitoring equipment is very sensitive. Even if something happens, the nurse will receive the alarm immediately without Jiang Dao ringing the bell.

So he originally wanted to persuade even the assistants and medical staff to go back.

However, keeping the assistant and nurse would allow Chu Yinlong to leave with peace of mind, so he finally agreed.

After returning to the villa, Jiang Dao immediately took a hot shower to wash away the residue of sediment in his hair that had not been dealt with last night, and then took the medicine according to the label posted on the medicine bottle by the nurse on the set. After sitting in the room for a while with nothing to do, he walked downstairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

Assistant Xiao Yang was getting together with the doctors and nurses to discuss how to make sick meals for Jiang Dao. When he saw someone wandering around with wet hair, Xiao Yang immediately dropped the kitchen utensils and ran over.

"Hey, you're still sick. Why are you running around without drying your hair! My boss will scold me if I get seriously ill!" The assistant pushed Jiang Dao into the sofa in the living room and fetched a hair dryer to dry Jiang Dao's hair.

When he was with Jiang Dao, he was much more relaxed than when he was with Chu Yinlong, and he talked more: "Even if you don't feel serious, please take care of our boss's mood. He is almost heartbroken..."

Although , looking at Jiang Dao's mental state, it felt like he had a fake illness. He was very calm and calm from beginning to end, and could not arouse people's compassion and protective desire at all... But Chu Yinlong was obviously still worried. From last night to today, I don't know how many messages were sent to inquire about Jiangdao's situation.

After drying his hair, Jiang Dao was ordered by his assistant to go back to his room to rest and was not allowed to wander around again.

He was lying on the bed, watching a few cooking videos out of boredom. When he saw the doctor come in with a bowl of vegetable and chicken porridge, he immediately got up and took it from his hand, then sat in the armchair and finished it obediently.

The doctors and nurses liked patients who were obedient and not noisy. They took Jiangdao's temperature again and asked him to have a good sleep.

Lying back on the bed, Jiangdao was indeed a little sleepy.

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