Chapter 80

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In the following period, news about Qin Jiangshan and Qin Xiao continued to circulate on the Internet. The Zhang family and the Zhu family, who were related to the Qin family, were also forced to leave. The Zhang family decisively cut off from the Qin family, and the Zhu family also Said that the previous engagement with Qin Xiao was actually false.

Edao, who was on the crew, was not greatly affected.

Everyone in the crew had been surprised a month ago. Seeing that Director Mu was still there, they couldn't openly ask Jiang Dao about him, so everyone tacitly pretended not to hear anything outside the window and only thought about it. Make a good show.

For the rest of May, the shooting schedule is still very tight. Fortunately, literary and martial arts dramas are interspersed with each other, which can give everyone time to rest and adjust.

The rebels were chased and intercepted by the city's main guards. The battle was very difficult, and they had to decide to hide in the dangerous mountains and forests to launch a protracted guerrilla war with the city's main guards.

But the strange thing is that no matter how they run, the city guards can always block their way, as if they can see all their marching movements.

"It's weird." Xia Feng, the leader of the resistance army, had a solemn look on his face, "I was secretly distributing information before, and no one leaked the false information. Even if I randomly ordered a change of direction of action midway, the city guards were able to make timely adjustments... ...And none of the key suspects have

made any suspicious moves recently?" The staff officer said, turning to Xia Tian, ​​"Are you sure there's nothing wrong

with him?" Xia Tian emphasized. , "He doesn't have any positioning device on him. I know it inside and out. The instruments called in didn't find anything. Moreover, I have tested him before using the strategy of dividing the troops. The city guards didn't take the bait at all! Always keep an eye on him. "Don't let it go, is it interesting?"

"I have a feeling that there is something wrong with him." The staff member looked serious.

"Can intuition be used as evidence?" Xia Tian laughed, "I respect you as a military think tank. What did you ask me to say to him and I didn't do what you said? I have been keeping an eye on him recently as you said, but he just didn't Question!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and the leader Xia Feng said: "Xia Tian, ​​take out the pendant he gave you."

Xia Tian looked bad: "It is a stone, and the instrument did not detect it before..."

Xia Feng. Staring at him, he could not refuse: "Safety is the top priority."

After a long time, Xia Tian gritted his teeth, took off the pendant carved in the shape of a wolf, and placed it next to Xia Feng.

As the stone pendant was cut into pieces without any trace of the positioning device, everyone fell silent.

"Xia..." the staff officer tried to comfort.

Xia Tian stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand to sweep the table full of debris to the ground, opened the curtain of the tent and strode away, his back quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

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