Chapter 63

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After knocking open the door, Chu Yinlong's pupils shrank.

The scene in the room was better than he imagined, but also worse than he imagined - the person crying was not the one he was worried about, but he never expected that Qin Xiao would prepare such a room!

His heart suddenly shrank, causing all his limbs to ache.

Chu Yinlong saw his boy slowly turning around. There was silence in his eyes, without sadness, joy, heartlessness or desire, as if he didn't look like a living person.

At that moment, Chu Yinlong fell into the ice cave.

Jiang Dao turned around and saw that the person coming was Chu Yinlong, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the look in his eyes suddenly recovered, like a dead tree coming to life, and his voice was slightly surprised: "Why are you here?"

The next second, his whole body was tightly embraced by a slightly heavier force, Chu Yinlong The hot cheek was pressed against his temples, and there was a faint shiver on his body.

"Great... you're okay..." His voice was hoarse and very low, "You're okay..."

Jiang Dao felt helpless and sighed softly.

He was mentally prepared to be called by the police, but he didn't expect Chu Yinlong to come over in person after getting off the plane. It was oversight.

Now, whether or not to use that set of lies... is a question.

Officer Xing walked to the door, took a clear look at the situation in the room, frowned and cleared his throat.

Chu Yinlong then let go of Jiang Dao and looked at him with comfort: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He took Jiang Dao's hand and squeezed it gently.

Edao was immediately relieved and decided to tell the truth to some extent.

Officer Xing entered the room, his eyes fell on Jiang Dao's face, pointed at Qin Xiao who was still talking nonsense on the seat, and asked, "What happened to him?"

Jiang Dao said, "He drank the wine prepared for me."

Officer Xing: ...

Chu Yinlong suddenly looked at Qin Xiao who was tied up in the restraint chair. A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back, and soon the anger in his chest erupted.

The wine prepared for Edao...

If, if Edao fails to fight back, what will... happen at this moment?

How dare he, Qin Xiao? !

Seeing Chu Yinlong clenching his fists and looking at Qin Xiao with a look that could kill someone, Officer Xing quickly called a young police officer over: "You guys, take him to the hospital first and keep an eye on him."

The young police officer responded and shouted He asked two companions to carry Qin Xiao together.

"You, come back with me..." Officer Xing said half a sentence to Jiang Dao. Seeing that Chu Yinlong's face was not good, he immediately changed his words, "... let's ask a question downstairs."

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