Chapter 18

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"What?" Chu Yinlong immediately noticed that the atmosphere was strange, "What did Xiaodao do?" "

Ahem, it's actually nothing." Mu Zhixing stopped An Zhe who was about to speak, and said with a smile, "Let's go to that house together. , see if the gander can fight."

Anzhe and the camera couldn't help but laugh.

As a result, the two groups of people gathered together and walked toward the mountain courtyard where Cheng Zhiyi had just returned home.

Seeing the people from the program team coming back, the little old man guarding the courtyard gate was obviously relieved, and his face was full of joy: "I thought you wouldn't come. If you don't come, I won't have any money..."

The little old man said with a look on his face Wrinkled, but full of joy: "If it delays me making money, I will simply sell my Dabai to you and stew it!"

Cheng Zhiyi was speechless: "Uncle, you have said this several times, but I still don't see you being willing. "

The little old man chuckled and asked the camera: "Are you ready? When you're ready, I'll open the goose shed!"

Apparently, he loved watching the scene of the young man being chased away by the geese.

The two cameramen in the team had solemn expressions on their faces and aimed their machines at Goose Pen... and Jiangdao respectively.

An Zhe pulled Cheng Zhiyi back a few steps and moved Jiang Dao to the front.

"Little baby, aren't you afraid?" the little old man asked with a smile.

"Well, it's okay." Jiang Dao said calmly, "Open the door."

"Okay!" The little old man bared his teeth and stepped forward to unbolt the door of the goose shed.

The next moment, a majestic big white goose crashed out of the door, stretched out its neck and bit Jiangdao. However

, before everyone could exclaim, they saw the big goose twist its neck and slip under its feet. Paji fell to the ground and squealed in panic. He finally struggled to get up, turned 180 degrees, bumped back into the goose shed, and used his wings to close the door.


Little old man:? ? ?

Jiang Dao walked forward expressionlessly, opened the door, stepped into the hay shed, and took out two goose eggs from the nest in front of a shed full of shivering geese.

"There are still two more, right?" Coming out of the goose shed, he handed the goose eggs to Chu Yinlong and asked casually, "Do you want to get a few more for us to eat ourselves?"

Chu Yinlong listened before he answered. There was a soft sound at the door of the goose shed.

Jiang Dao turned around and saw the big male goose using its flippers to dig out the two remaining eggs from the nest, and then quickly retreated back into the goose shed, never to show up again.

The eyes of everyone present slowly moved from the two goose eggs to Jiang Dao.

Edao: ...


Although the process was a bit feudal and superstitious, fortunately the task was successfully completed.

Anzhe returned to Taoyuanju with two legendary goose eggs, while the others met Qi Peng and took a boat to the town on the other side of the lake to exchange ingredients.

Although only separated by a lake, the town is obviously much more lively than the island.

Looking around, you can see a large area of two or three-story brick buildings. There are many shops and stalls downstairs facing the street, and the goods are quite diverse.

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