Chapter 47

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Five days later, the studio shooting part of "Operation Red Owl" officially ended.

The film's exteriors will be shot in a small rainforest-covered country in the south. Due to various reasons such as local negotiations and equipment transportation, the crew will have to wait two more days before setting off.

According to the promise, on this day, Chu Yinlong took Jiang Dao to an exhibition hall in the suburbs of Yan City.

"Auto show?!" Jiang Dao looked at the sign outside the exhibition hall in disbelief, "You brought me to a place like this? Aren't you afraid of being photographed?"

"The exhibition is not open to the public yet, and the preview will only start tomorrow." Chu Yinlong laughed. He said, "I'm young. Well, I know the organizer of the exhibition. As a convenience, we are the only ones coming to the exhibition today. Although there are one or two exhibits that have not been delivered, I think you may not like sports cars that are too high-profile. "

"Well, I don't like things that are too ostentatious," Jiang Dao nodded, "I think the one I drove when I was learning to drive would be good."

Hearing this, Chu Yinlong laughed: "You really have to drive a Dongfeng big car. No one can be more flamboyant than you when running a truck on the set."

Of course Edao was joking, and he pretended to be arrogant when he heard this: "Okay, then let's settle for the next best thing and look at off-road vehicles."

It just so happened that he had wanted to buy one before . He had a car, but unfortunately he joined the set just after getting his driver's license, and without an assistant or manager around to help him, he put the matter on hold as he got busy. Fortunately, Chu Yinlong could remember and brought him directly to the auto show today, saving him the trouble of looking up information by himself and going to stores one by one.

Walking into the entrance of the exhibition hall, a staff member who had been waiting here came forward, said hello to Chu Yinlong, and asked him if he needed help explaining.

"No, let's take a look for ourselves." Chu Yinlong said, "Is it okay to test ride?"

"No problem." The staff member said, "The doors are not locked, you can test ride at will."

The auto show has not yet been opened to the public . It is open to the public, and naturally there are no models nearby to distract people from seeing the cars. There are only cars with graceful arcs and metallic luster parked quietly in the field, waiting for visitors to come.

Edao looked around and headed straight for a very sturdy looking off-road vehicle.

Chu Yinlong followed him and said with a smile: "This brand of car has good handling. The model I recommend has a steering wheel that is half a turn less than other cars. It has a high-quality engine and fast acceleration. It is suitable for young people who like excitement."

Jiang Dao walked around the car. Chu Yinlong opened the door for him. Jiang Dao got into the driver's seat, felt the space inside the car, and touched the gear handle. He was a little disappointed: "Why are there even off-road vehicles?" Is it an automatic transmission?"

"The trend is general." Chu Yinlong explained, "Easy operation is what most people want, and now automatic transmissions can switch to manual mode at any time, so manufacturers will naturally gradually phase out manual transmissions. This model The car can be switched to manual, and the power is enough for climbing and towing."

He paused and then said: "However, some brands still insist on making manual transmissions. If you really want it, you can look for it."

Since we were visiting an exhibition, we couldn't just look at one car. Edao had planned to look at more.

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