Chapter 42

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The next day, the filming of "Operation Red Owl" started again in full swing.

However, even though Chu Yinlong is quite prestigious in the crew, after the scandal the night before yesterday, the atmosphere in the crew still became a little delicate. In particular, some young staff members had little knowledge and looked at Jiangdao with undisguised contempt.

Jiang Dao didn't care much about this, but Chu Yinlong's face darkened.

However, everyone just looked at him unkindly, neither spoke to ridicule, nor behaved to exclude him. He even did his work in an orderly manner, so he couldn't criticize him.

Today, the first scene of the indoor martial arts part is the scene where Jess and Xu Zhou chase and escape indoors at the base of a criminal organization. In addition to Jiang Dao and Jing Yu, there was also a substitute who was similar in stature to Jing Yu.

In terms of action scenes, Chu Yinlong has very high requirements. Most of the fight designs are physical combat with fists and fists. Coupled with the use of terrain and props, the actors are required to have a certain ability to resist fighting - many shots You can't fake a fight, you can only try to use less force and avoid vital points during the shooting process.

Therefore, even if Jing Yu had studied Sanda skills for a period of time before joining the team, most of the scenes of close combat could only be shot by Wu Tai. In order to facilitate editing, this scene will be shot completely by Ejima and Mutai, and then the close-ups of Jingyu will be added.

Chu Yinlong personally guided Jiang Dao and Wu Tai to practice the moves several times. Both of them learned the moves very quickly. After two attempts with no strength, they officially started filming.

This was a short, quick pursuit and close combat. Neither of the two men had weapons in their hands. It was considered a relatively safe and simple part of the fight scene.

As soon as the scene opens, Jess, played by Jiang Dao, rushes straight towards Xu Zhou who is escaping. Xu Zhou is startled, turns around to resist, twists his waist and raises his legs to kick Jess in the neck. After Jess dodges, he turns around and continues to run away. Immediately, Jess caught up with Xu Zhou again, dodged an attack and got close, followed by a series of rapid punches and kicks.

The filming started smoothly. However, when entering the final fist fight, Edao realized something was wrong.

The force Wu Ti used was much heavier than he expected. In order to avoid being injured in a head-on collision, he could only choose to release his force to the side and hide for a while.


Sure enough, Chu Yinlong, who has strict requirements for action scenes, immediately called out.

Surprisingly, he didn't reprimand him. Instead, he glanced at the two people on the scene and said calmly: "Do it again."

Seeing that Chu Yinlong's expression was not good, Jing Yu, who was watching the action scene next to him, was a little nervous.

He had learned before that Chu Yinlong disliked actors who were squeamish on set. I heard that in one of his previous movies, the actor who played an important supporting role wanted to take time off to go to the hospital because of a bruise on his arm, so he gave him a severe scolding.

Just now, when Jiang Dao ducked during the filming of the beating scene, he wouldn't have made Chu Yinlong angry, right?

In the venue, the staff reset the props and the shooting started again.

This time Jiangdao was mentally prepared, firmly caught Wu Tai's fists and kicks, controlled his numb arm, and perfectly completed the next series of actions.

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