Chapter 58

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That afternoon, Jiang Dao put on his swimsuit and came to the teaching area for trial diving training in the swimming pool.

The purpose of trial diving in the swimming pool is mainly to learn how to assemble and wear diving equipment, get familiar with the use of various equipment in the water, learn basic diving movements, and practice gestures to communicate with fellow divers.

The learning content is not too much and not too difficult. In addition, Edao learns things very quickly. He does not need to teach the use of various equipment a second time. His body control ability also allows him to move very flexibly in the water. Halfway through, he has mastered all the content.

After surfacing, Paul opened the eyepiece and praised without hesitation: "Dao, you are the smartest student I have ever taught! I look forward to taking you out to sea tomorrow, your performance will be great!"

Jiang Dao stroked his hair , smiled and said: "I'm looking forward to it too."

After unloading the equipment and diving suit ashore, Jiang Dao picked up a towel and wiped his hair.

Paul looked at Jiang Dao's handsome body and felt a little unwilling: "Is your boyfriend staring at you closely? This is not good. You should be free. Why can't he accept fair competition?"

Jiang Dao is no stranger to this theory. , everywhere in the apocalypse, I couldn't help laughing when I heard this.

However, in order to avoid trouble, he did not refute Paul's guess about his boyfriend and said smoothly: "He knows Kung Fu, you will definitely not be able to beat him."

Hearing this, Paul couldn't hide his disappointment and sighed, but it was okay Gentleman, there is no persistence: "Okay, I give up. Today's class is over. Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, go to the counter to pick up your things and go diving in the sea."

Because Paul's performance was too straightforward, Jiang Dao was not in the teaching area. After taking a shower in the bathroom, I put on my T-shirt and shorts directly over my swimming trunks, then pulled on my slippers and walked out of the teaching area.

When he looked up, he saw Chu Yinlong waiting outside the door.

"Huh? You came so early?" Jiang Dao hurried forward, "I learn quickly, so I finished class early. I thought you were resting in the room..."

Chu Yinlong looked at Jiang Dao and said nervously: "He He didn't touch you, did he? " " Touched him?" Jiang Dao

laughed, "He really dared to touch you. Don't worry, I won't be bullied that easily."

Still angry, his brows were furrowed: "In such a big club, why is it that only one coach can speak Chinese..."

The next day, Jiang Dao received the equipment and was about to follow Paul on the boat when he saw the person in charge of the club running over, behind him He was also followed by Chu Yinlong who was wearing diving equipment.

The person in charge of the club chatted a lot to Paul. Paul looked helpless and nodded to Chu Yinlong: "Then let's get on the boat."

Jiang Dao was happy and sat down next to Chu Yinlong with a smile: "Hey, Why are you here? Haven't you passed the AOW certificate?"

Chu Yinlong said calmly: "I'm here to free dive."

Jiang Dao smiled, leaned into Chu Yinlong's ear and lowered his voice: "Dad Long, yes. Are you afraid that I will be bullied, so you are here to protect me?"

For some reason, Chu Yinlong thought of Jiang Dao's deliberate calling of "Dad" yesterday morning, and suddenly frowned: "Don't call me that."

Jiang Dao said obediently. , Okay, Teacher Chu. "

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