Chapter 81

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The subsequent filming of "Auroville" is basically battlefield scenes, occasionally interspersed with some emotional scenes. The progress is not very fast, but it is also ending steadily.

After a day and a half of rapid marching day and night, Xia Tian finally led a twenty-man scout team to the vicinity of the East Route Army led by Little Gray Wolf, but he was caught up in the pursuers of the City Guards coming to encircle and suppress them.

Seeing the little gray wolf trapped in a bitter battle, Xia Tian couldn't bear it in the end. He led his people to provide assistance from the outside and helped the little gray wolf open a gap that was enough for him to evacuate. Little Gray Wolf successfully broke through with only half of the soldiers, joined Xia Tian, ​​and temporarily escaped from the encirclement of the pursuers.

The team temporarily settled down in a hidden mountain col. Xia Tian had a serious look on his face. He couldn't help but grab the little gray wolf's wrist and lead him to a dense forest not far away covered by shrubs.

Without much foreshadowing, Xia Tian went straight to the point: "Why did you betray us?"

The little gray wolf was startled: "...what?"

Xia Tian stared into the little gray wolf's eyes: "You have always been the one who betrayed us, right? "

The little gray wolf subconsciously looked away.

Seeing his obvious evasion, the remaining hope in Xia Tian's eyes suddenly dimmed.

He was furious, stretched out his hand and pinched the little gray wolf's chin, and pressed the boy against the trunk of the tree: "Why don't you dare to look at me? Why don't you dare to answer?!"

"...What do you want me to say?" The little gray wolf said His voice was trembling, but he still didn't look at Xia Tian.

"You... in the battle at Vise Slope, Lao Wu and Xiao Xie died, so many soldiers died... How do you stay here with peace of mind?" Xia Tian stared into the eyes of the little gray wolf and sneered, "You and "Okay, it's just to steal our information and send it to the real master behind you, right?"

Seeing the little gray wolf pursed his lips without saying a word, Xia Tian's fingers slid from the boy's chin to his neck. The fingertips became harder and harder: "I believe you so much, but what did you do? During the retreat, you actually... kept revealing our location with the locator, and how dare you face the soldiers in the wounded barracks?! "

The little gray wolf suddenly raised his eyes, his throat was hoarse: "...locator?"

Xia Tian's fingers suddenly tightened: "Are you still pretending to be stupid?"

The little gray wolf shook Xia Tian's hand hard and shook his head quickly. , made a weak voice with difficulty: "No... I... didn't..."

Xia Tian grabbed the little gray wolf's throat, roughly threw him aside, and then chased him with a punch, hitting the boy's side of the face hard. .

"Stop! Try again." Mu Zhixing frowned, "Punch harder in Xia Tian. You have been betrayed. You are so angry at this time that you cannot show mercy. Do you understand."

This plot has been polished for a whole day, Jiang However, Dao and Chu Yinlong's emotions always lacked some warmth. Especially Xia Tian's merciless chokehold on the little gray wolf. It took many repeated shots to finally meet the director's requirements.

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