Chapter 29

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In the end, the loan agreement between the two was modified according to Jiang Dao's proposal.

Next, we will wait for the people from Chu Yinlong Studio to negotiate with Galaxy Media to negotiate the specific amount of liquidated damages.

After handing the agreement to his assistant to put away, Chu Yinlong looked at Jiang Dao and suddenly asked: "Are you living in the dormitory of Galaxy Media now?"

Jiang Dao nodded: "Yes, I have been looking at the house for the past two days, I just want to find It's more difficult to find a suitable one."

Although he still has a lot of savings on hand, it is obviously not enough to buy a house in Yanshi, otherwise he would not be unable to pay millions in liquidated damages. If he moves to the suburbs, transportation will become a big problem again-unless he can get his driver's license as soon as possible.

And if you rent an apartment in an urban area, it is difficult to guarantee the privacy you need as an artist, and you may encounter unexpected troubles.

"If you don't want to sign the agency contract, Longqi Entertainment can't give you the dormitory," Chu Yinlong thought for a while and said, "However, I have two apartments under my name. If you don't mind, you can choose one. Stay temporarily."

Hearing this, Jiang Dao raised his eyebrows: "Why do I feel more and more that you are digging a hole for me? You are helping me advance liquidated damages, and you are giving me a house to live in... Suddenly there is a feeling in me It feels like you have jumped into a trap."

Chu Yinlong smiled: "I will help you advance the liquidated damages. Didn't you propose it yourself?"

Jiang Dao pretended to be scared, with a vigilant face: "Shouldn't you pay the salary in the future? Just give me a few hundred yuan, right? Plus the rent, then I won't be able to pay it off for the rest of my life."

Chu Yinlong couldn't laugh or cry at what he said.

He reached out and tapped the word "fair" in the agreement, "Fair remuneration," and said, "If I only give you a few hundred yuan in remuneration, why don't you run away?"

After a few jokes, Jiang Dao said again Back to business: "If your house is suitable, I can move in... but I can't live in it for free. You can set the rent and we will sign another rental contract."

Chu Yinlong sighed: "Must the calculation be so clear? I thought we were already friends."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Dao suddenly remembered what Lu Zhengrong had said a few days ago, about Chu Yinlong rarely having friends of the same age.

Obviously, after just two variety shows together, Chu Yinlong has recognized his status as a "friend". It is probably because of this that Chu Yinlong wrote the agreement just now to take care of him and did not put any harsh requirements on him.

It's a pity that for Edao himself, the relationship between the two has not yet reached his definition of "friends" - for example, if the two of them set foot on the battlefield together now and face a life-and-death crisis, Edao will still He couldn't trust Chu Yinlong completely.

This is the rule of making friends in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Trusting one's character is one thing, but not being afraid of the test of human nature is another.

Therefore, Jiang Dao could not accept Chu Yinlong's excessive kindness with peace of mind.

"You have helped me a lot." His smile showed no trace at all, "Even if I am a friend, I should pay rent if I live in your house." Seeing his persistence, Chu Yinlong did not hesitate anymore: "

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